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Chivalric Virtues Define THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Some weapons and techniques were considered dishonorable such as the dagger and the arbalest. A knight would not use these weapons because they were not knightly. A dagger was a weapon of a sneaky assassin and an arbalest was a brutal weapon of the untrained. A knight’s code of chivalry demanded that he face his enemy openly and honestly – it was a “let the best man win” situation. The dagger was a surprise attack and the arbalest was fired from a distance.

Chivalric Virtues Define THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death…

Picking up on the meme of the last post, Chivalry is a strong component in THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death. It should be noted that chivalry – in the heat of battle – can be a very tough code to abide by...

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