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Oddball, Crapgame, & a Few Other Things…

Soldiers of the GroBdeutschland hitch a ride on an Assault Gun

Soldiers of the GroBdeutschland hitch a ride on an Assault Gun

We’re all about helping out fellow filmmakers here, especially of the historical sort. There’s a great group of guys putting together what looks to be a very interesting series, called The Vanquished, about an elite unit (the Großdeutschland or “Greater Germany” Division which fought exclusively on the Eastern Front during the Second World War. Begun as “Wacht Regiment Berlin” then was later given the designation “Großdeutschland” and was the closest thing to a “Guards” unit (in the British meaning of the term) that existed in the German Army. Later it was upgraded to a motorized infantry division and later – in 1943 – to a premier Panzer-Grenadier Division...

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