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“Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction” Now On Facebook!!!

Category: Production Blog Comments: One comment


Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction One Sheet

Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction One Sheet

Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction is now on Facebook – ck it out & share!!! Meant to get it up earlier but as THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death was taking up all of our time, hadn’t quite got around to it. But it’s there now. Profiles for the first 15 episodes. You’ll see who/what/ & how? Going to be a bit different than some of the fare normally seen on The Military Channel, for example. Having watched so many of these shows there are so many that are excellent, but somehow some of the really good stories & histories never get told. That’s the gap we’re going to fill with Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction; unfettered, not overproduced, not “politically correct” in any sense of the term...

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