Gladiator tagged posts

Countdown: 10 Days to Go Active on…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Countdown: 10 Days to Go Active on…

deutscherordensritterep2Bloody Hell!!! It’s coming – and fast! No matter how much preparation you think you’re doing, there always seem to be loose ends. With this kind of film, it’s preparation/preparation/preparation before execution…not only on the QDeck blog site but also THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death on Facebook page. The excitement continues to build: what we’re doing here is quite unique; taking totally original works – that are based in actual historical fact – and presenting them to the public in a new & different way, especially focusing on the  subjects they haven’t seen . Those last three words are key:  they haven’t seen ...

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16 Days…

Category: Production Blog Comments: One comment

16 Days…

Medieval_Knight01Countdown to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Going Active on!!!

In Addition, Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction Teaser Reel Now Available on “Videos” page!!!

As of today – Dec 30th – there are 16 days before THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death goes active on That’s when all of you who have supported the project up to this time and been “Liking” our page over on Facebook, please pledge and spread the word!!! That’s the key to our success in getting this project both funded & completed & this is one that needs to be completed. It bespeaks of – hopefully – a new era in entertainment. Knowing history as we do, we also know there is no more entertaining drama than to be found in the annals of the human trek throughout world history...

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Looking for A Few Good Men….

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Looking for A Few Good Men…

The Banner Standard of The Teutonic Brigade of Knights

The Banner Standard of The Teutonic Brigade of Knights

Yes – that’s right! We’re looking for a few good men who care about seeing THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death make it to the screen to be “Ambassadors of Goodwill by Special Arrangement” (if you will) to the public at large. In a perfect world, we’re looking for a select group from (at least) three major countries (that have expressed interest so far), that being the United States, Great Britain, & Germany. Email us here or send us a Tweet @dutchmn007 or msg us on our Facebook page. We’ll take care of the rest...

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