George Washington tagged posts

Countdown: 12 Days to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Goes Active & Producer Takes Fire in Afghanistan…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Medieval_Knight01Countdown: 12 Days to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Goes Active & Producer Takes Fire in Afghanistan!!!

It’s coming down to the wire folks! In 12 days THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death goes active on This is crunch time! Now – with your & your friends financial support – we can make this project happen and write a new chapter in the annals of motion picture history and – most importantly – YOU & your $$ – are the deciding factor!!! No corporate board deciding what you see, YOU ARE!!! As heretofore stated (in a previous post), we live in revolutionary times. Now, you have as much – if not more power – in your hands than do the corporate industry decision makers running the industry. Up to this point, they – and in large part still do – decide what you see...

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The “PanzerJagd” Continues or “Serendipity Happens”….

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

It’s official!!!

IMG_20131121_150406_710THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death is now officially its own corporation!!! As now are all QuarterDeck Production Corp. projects!!! Thank you QuarterDeck CFO Ruby Emerald Diamond for all your knowledge, diligence, & expertise in cutting through all the bureaucratic red tape!!! As heretofore stated, she really is a pure Gem!!! Filmmakers should always form their projects as corporations, as it gives your potential investor knowledge that you are operating on a professional basis & security that you’re not some fly-by-night operation.

Meanwhile,  das Panzer Jagd geht weiter – the Tank Hunt continues. Just spoke with the wonderful Allan D. Cors, Chairman, Board of Trustees, National Museum of Americans in Wartime and come to find out they own & operate two T-34/85’s!!! ...

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“Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore!”

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Marscher Lords FBWow! – I’m stunned (or maybe that should be “pleasantly surprised”) at the impact our facebook page has had: THE MARSCHER LORDS: Brotherhood or Death  has: 804 Likes. 411 Talking About. A lot of interest continues to pour in from both Great Britain & Germany (and people thought chivalry was dead – hah!); quite the contrary actually, it seems there is more of a hunger for it than ever before. Maybe it’s these crazy times we inhabit. Maybe it’s people looking for something (or someone) who truly looked out for others and not only for themselves. Sad to say, the latter does sound a bit old-fashioned, n’est pas?  Well, we can always aspire to greatness. Even if we fall short, at least we’re still trying to be better than we were five minutes ago...

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New Blood & Fresh Concepts

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Time for New Blood & Fresh Concepts


Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction One Sheet

Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction One She

Touched on “me too-ism” a bit in the last post, an affliction that – unfortunately – afflicts the masses. Unsurprising this, for when an idea shows itself to be a success it invariably invites imitation. However, old parables can be turned on their heads in such a way that they reinvent themselves. It’s been noted in the media that television writing has surpassed that of films, a point that certainly has merit , however by turning old parables on their heads you wind up with a result like Fox’s new Monday night series Sleepy Hollow.  Well written, well acted, enormously entertaining to watch and completely unpredictable, it melds an old parable with that of the Apocalypse and the Coming of the End Times...

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