#etiquette tagged posts

Chivalric Virtues Define THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Some weapons and techniques were considered dishonorable such as the dagger and the arbalest. A knight would not use these weapons because they were not knightly. A dagger was a weapon of a sneaky assassin and an arbalest was a brutal weapon of the untrained. A knight’s code of chivalry demanded that he face his enemy openly and honestly – it was a “let the best man win” situation. The dagger was a surprise attack and the arbalest was fired from a distance.

Chivalric Virtues Define THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death…

Picking up on the meme of the last post, Chivalry is a strong component in THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death. It should be noted that chivalry – in the heat of battle – can be a very tough code to abide by...

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The Secret Ingredient in THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Chivalry: Live It. Learn It. Reclaim It.

An unfortunate sign of our times that common decency seems to have been usurped by an ugly, base crassness that – in reality – threatens our very base as a civilization. It is the desire of the Self über alles and all else be damned. Not that long ago, an incredible disaster took place at sea when the RMS Titanic struck the infamous iceberg. As we all know, the ship was doomed. Word went out, “Take to the lifeboats” with the watchwords “Women & Children First!” soon after. Why was this? Because women & children – at the time – held an exalted place in society and it was understood by the culture of the time that in perilous circumstances, the life givers (women) and the next generation (children) should be/must be preserved as much as possible...

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