Enemy at the Gates tagged posts

Scorched Earth: The Other Side of World War II

Category: Production Blog Comments: One comment

On Slate

On Slate

This is a feature project ‘in the pipeline’ that is basically ready to go. We’ve had some holdups/stalls because of the global economic situation (ok – I was being charitable; let’s call it what it is – a FUBAR MESS!!!) and our sponsors are hard at work as I write this trying to iron them out so we can get started. The Russo-German War of 1941-45 was the most savage and barbaric conflict in recorded history (since at least the Crusades). The loss of life was on an unimaginable scale: in the first three months of the conflict, the Red Army lost 3 million men.  What other western nation could absorb such losses and keep functioning let alone continue fighting? The superior training, weapons, & initiative of the German soldier allowed him to inflict casualties at an unheard of 6:1 r...

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