Director of Photography John Lynch tagged posts

THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Now Over 4,200 Likes on Facebook!!!…

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THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Now Over 4,200 Likes on Facebook!!!…

PR for THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death continues apace. We’re up to 4,205 Likes with 999 ‘Talking About’. Audience numbers continue to grow, proof again that there is a market for this type of film. So – it begs THE QUESTION: why are pledges to the project so slow? THE ANSWER: We just need more people (i.e. a bigger audience from which to draw). The state of the economy is not in a good place, and is unlikely to be so for quite some time; high taxation, lowered incomes, & crippling business regulations do not a healthy economy make. So we have to roll with that and turn it into a positive. What we’re trying to do here is produce an exceptional trailer for a full-length feature production...

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FV Harbinger Down Casts Off & THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Gallops Ahead….

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Harbinger Down Casts Off & THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Gallops Ahead

If you haven’t checked up on THE MARSCHER LORDS: Brotherhood or Death on Facebook lately you should. We’re up to (as of this writing) 4,097 Likes with 928 ‘Talking About‘! Support is

Edwin H Bravo on the set of 'Harbinger Down'.

Edwin H Bravo on the set of ‘Harbinger Down’.

coming in not only from Great Britain, the U.S.,  & Germany, but also the Pacific Rim: Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines. The latter being the native home country of cast member Edwin H. Bravo, who’s been hard at work on the feature Harbinger Down which began shooting this past week. Included here are some special behind-the-scenes photos of some of the business happening on set...

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Being of ‘The Brotherhood…’

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Being of ‘The Brotherhood…’

At the risk of being overly philosophical in this post, we thought we’d attempt to touch base on what it is that attracts us – men especially – to those in earlier times who served as knights? The whole idea & concept of an Order and being part of a “Brotherhood” leaves many innately intrigued. What is it exactly? The Chivalric Orders – whether Teutonic, Templar, Hospitaller, or Livonian – seem to act as a magnet for a large group of people. Why is this? It is an age long ago (after all we’re talking Medieval Times here) and the Chivalric Orders – though still existing today – seem to be “off the front pages” as it were. We thinks there may be a cultural reason for this. Ever since the advent of what is termed “pop culture”, which Wikipedia defines as


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Production Notes…

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Production Notes…

A word here on how production of THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death will go and what we’re looking to accomplish with it. As it is a period piece – set in Europe (specifically the northern area of Germany/Prussia ) in the 13th Century – we had to find an area that (on the West Coast of California) – could credibly pass for that. Credibility (i.e. believability) is a big thing with us. Since there was much action in the Prussian region and along the Baltic Coast during the time of the Barbarian Invasions with the Teutonic Knights putting down uprisings of the pagans who lived in Prussia, the coast seemed like a natural fit. However, we needed to find an area that could pass for the Baltic Coast...

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THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death T-Shirts Are Here!!!

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THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death T-Shirts Are Here!!!

Of course we had to design a shirt!!! How could we not? With the uniqueness of this production and all those associated with it, we had to come up with a simple – yet smooth & cool-looking – design, something that would make a statement about the production & announce it at the same time. The Ambassadors of Goodwill by Special Arrangement have already been supplied with a small number to give out to their closest relatives & friends. In short, to those the Ambassadors feel will spread the word about this production & what it’s about thereby (hopefully) kindling more interest in it and – ergo – more pledges on the Indiegogo site. We’ve got a ways to go folks, now is not the time to wait. NOW IS THE TIME FOR ACTION!!!! As we’ve bee...

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Movie Producer: Do You Have What it Takes?

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Movie Producer: Do You Have What it Takes?…

C’mon folks – let’s pick up with those pledges!!! Our Academy Award-nominated, Emmy Award-winning, & Grammy Award-nominated production staff is chomping at the bit to get started!!! The sooner we get this “in the can” and move on to the feature, how sweet will that be? And we can get it done WITH YOUR HELP!!! This is a rare bird indeed, we’ve got EVERYTHING we need; top-notch production staff, excellent cast, wonderful location, and avenues for release. Let’s get it going!!! If you’ve been a friend of the Facebook page, MAKE YOUR PLEDGE TODAY. Don’t expect others to do it for you...

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Staying True to the Motto: “Helfen*Wehren*Heilen”…

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Staying True to the Motto: “Helfen*Wehren*Heilen”…..

***Breaking News!!!!***

One Charity that will definitely be receiving a donation will be the Teutonic Order, or – as they are officially known –  The Order of the Teutonic Knights of St. Mary’s Hospital in Jerusalem.  Since The Order’s work of charity and helping those in need carries on to this day, we can assist them in their current duties and hopefully bring more awareness to them in their ongoing quest for the betterment of humanity. They even have a Facebook page. So making them the first beneficiary just seems like the right thing to do and – since the story of the von Marscher Brothers hinges upon one brother’s dedication of his vows to The Order, it’s a perfect fit. So is CES7 – our late Producer’s very own –  and as things ...

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BREAKING!!!: Charity/Charities to be Involved with THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Thanks for all for the great response to the last post!!! Edwin H Bravo is still flying high to be a part of Harbinger Down, we’re terrifically proud and happy for him as – truth be told – there’s not a finer actor around anywhere. Edwin’s solid mettle comes from his excellent training with a strong emphasis on “The Classics”, and by this we mean Shakespeare. Both Edwin H Bravo & Robert E Wilhelm are veteran Shakespearian actors, & if you can do Shakespeare well, everything else is just cake. As an actor, doing Shakespeare teaches you a lot, as there’s no “dramatic pause” to be taken while performing the material. Quite the contrary, taking dramatic pauses while doing Shakespeare will kill it completely.  Shakespeare is done all on the word; you must keep it going  – “trippingly off the tongue” as William Shakespeare himself directed. We’ll keep you updated on the progress of Harbinger Down as it unfolds. Keep an eye here and you’ll get the inside baseball.

Edwin H Bravo in his original short film "The Prize"

Edwin H Bravo in his original short film “The Prize”

BREAKING!!!: Charity/Charities To Be Involved with THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death….

As mentioned in the previous post, we’re in discussions now with several charitable groups about making them the beneficiaries of THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death. As this production’s tone is very much an uplifting one, and one that is all about helping people out, so it just seems a natural course to take. We’re anxious to spread good deeds around, after all Chivalric Orders were formed expressly for this purpose (remember the Teutonic Knights Motto: ” Helfen * Wehren * Heilen* – “Help*Defend*Heal). The specific charities have not been finalized as yet, but we expect to soon. Working that out now. It may be several charities as opposed to just one (spreading the cheer!). But stay tuned. More on this to come.

Witness the continued success of Lone Survivor, $78.3 million (as of 1/21/14). Again, these types of “Brotherhood” pictures do well. And again, remember that this project will be used as a trailer to trigger investment for a full-length feature film, of which there may be several. We’ve really stumbled onto something here as far as film franchises go. Not only is THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death ripe for franchising, but it is based in actual history as well. Try finding that in your average Hollywood franchise. We can build something that can really last, be inspiring, and stand as something of quality.  That’s what we’re all about here: building a library of entertainment that (God willing) will stand the test of time and repeated viewings. Think about it, are there really that many current films released that you’d want to watch over & over again? There are always exceptions of course, but – to our eyes – a film that stands up well over time is one that weathers repeated viewing, i.e. there’s always something either “new” about it or it gives you such a good feeling that you want to see it more than once. The latter is really what we’re after with the production slate. By keeping the stories uplifting, maybe in light of our rather dark times at present we can offer people a little escapism. Isn’t that what entertainment is about?

BREAKING!!!: Charity/Charities To Be Involved with THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death

Stay tuned & active. Please share these posts with your friends & family & help us get to our goal below. You’ll be helping others as you do so, in the form of the to-be-determined charities. We can categorically state now:


That is without question.

As Usual, Follow Us on Twitter @dutchmn007

Teutonic Knight circa 13th Century

Teutonic Knight circa 13th Century

Stay Active My Friends

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MARSCHER LORDS Designates First Official FRIEND OF THE ORDER & Cast Member Working with the Legendary Lance Henriksen

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Edwin Bravo

Edwin H. Bravo

THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death cast member Edwin H Bravo has a new role in a film called Harbinger Down. See it here on FB!! Edwin is fortunate enough to be working with the legendary Lance Henriksen, and 2 time Oscar nominated Visual Effects Creator, now, writer and Director, Alec Gillis. Filming starts next week. Hoo-rah Edwin!!! Edwin describes it as a “Horror/Sci-FI” film & that’s what Lance excels at. Apparently he & Lance must have got on pretty well, as Lance already gave him a gift for Edwin to wear during the filming, something pertaining to the character Edwin is portraying. You can check it out on Edwin’s page. We earnestly look forward to the result!!!

“Oscar-nominated”, “Academy Award-nominated”, “Emmy Award-winning”, “Grammy Award-nominated”…...

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What Makes THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Different From Other Projects….

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What Makes THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Different from OTHER PROJECTS or “That is THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death“…isn’t it?

But of course!!! Just trying a little “off the wall” marketing to hopefully draw those eyes which we have hitherto missed. As you know, we need to draw attention to the project, the site, and the page. In this day and age when (it seems like) everyone is attempting crowdfunding, you have to set yourself apart from the others. One might ask, “How else is this project different from all these other crowdfunding projects?” The answer is simple, definite, and direct: there is an Academy Award-nominated, Emmy Award-winning, & Grammy Award-nominated Production Team:

Sir Brick Price: Production Designer Extraordinaire

Sir Brick Price: Production Designer Extraordinaire

Sir Brick Price: winn...

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