Dean Andre tagged posts

“Achtung – Panzer!!!’

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“Achtung – Panzer!!!!’

In the immortal name of Heinz Guderian’s epic, revolutionary tome echo on as we find Erfolg! Tres bien! ¡Èxito!-  Success!!! Day before yesterday we met with Mr. Allan Cors of Chaffee Associates out at their Tank Farm/Restoration Center in Nokesville, VA. Suffice it to say they’ve got just about every armored vehicle you could ever think of ever needing: Shermans, Lee/Grants, M-3’s, BMP’s, T-72’s, British

Allan Cors (on right) with Chief Engineer Mark Sehrling

Allan Cors (on right) with Chief Engineer Mark Sehrling

Centurion…you name it, it’s pretty much out there in the “Grand Shed”. From World War I to the present day...

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Looking for A Few Good Men….

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Looking for A Few Good Men…

The Banner Standard of The Teutonic Brigade of Knights

The Banner Standard of The Teutonic Brigade of Knights

Yes – that’s right! We’re looking for a few good men who care about seeing THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death make it to the screen to be “Ambassadors of Goodwill by Special Arrangement” (if you will) to the public at large. In a perfect world, we’re looking for a select group from (at least) three major countries (that have expressed interest so far), that being the United States, Great Britain, & Germany. Email us here or send us a Tweet @dutchmn007 or msg us on our Facebook page. We’ll take care of the rest...

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THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Approaches 1300 Likes on Facebook!!!

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Medieval_Knight01THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Approaches 1300 Likes on Facebook!!!!

Interest continues to build about QuarterDeck Production Corp’s premier production, THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death. Our Facebook page has been generating a lot of interest from around the world, most specifically from here in the U.S, Great Britain, & (of course) Germany. The interest is understandable; not much has been done on the Teutonic Knights ever. The Knights Templar have received much more media coverage over the years. Well, let’s see if we can’t put that right...

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Breaking News & Giving Tanks….Uhh…Thanks…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

The First Thanksgiving, 1621, by Jean-Leon Gerome Ferris

The First Thanksgiving, 1621, by Jean-Leon Gerome Ferris

Being on the eve of Thanksgiving, all of us here @ QuarterDeck are eminently thankful for all the support that has materialized for all the projects on slate; from the venerable Sir Brick Price (& his wonderful wife Lady Laura Price)  of, who are not only some of the gracious & giving  people (as well as a veritable brain trust & wealth of knowledge!), but some of the friendliest & finest people any of us have ever met. Many thanks go out to Lenser Extraordinaire  David Hansen-Sturm of Twin Palms Media for working with us under/beneath/and over top of the curve to help get all these teasers/trailers “in the Can’. ‘ Many thanks also go out to Adam Bednar & Richard A...

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Countdown to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Going Active…

Medieval_Knight01…on is January 15, 2014. This is where we hope to raise the necessary $$ for production. Please tell all your friends, family, people you know, people you used to know, people you may know, people you don’t know, people who you don’t want to know, & people who you certainly – in all circumstances – definitely do not know (whew – that cover it?). Today ads began running on Facebook in the U.S., UK, & Germany.  Oh, to be in deep pockets when production time is near ;<). But we’re not – at least not yet – not till we get this one under our belt. THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death will establish QuarterDeck Production Corp. & the brand...

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THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death

Category: Production Blog Comments: One comment


THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death is the story of two brothers caught in the maelstrom of the Barbarian Invasions of Europe during the 13th Century. Maxim von Marscher and his adopted brother Petrus meet for the first time in several years. Maxim – as a member of the Teutonic Order – has been away at war while Petrus has expanded his Nobility in the land of his brothers birth, becoming a very high, respected, and influential Lord. Maxim informs his brother that the Barbarian Hordes quickly approach and that haste must be made to get the innocent and women and children out of harm’s way; not to do so is tantamount to a death sentence. However Petrus’s main concern is that of the landed estates and their contents and how best to secure their property from the advancing enemy...

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