Battle of the Bulge tagged posts

AFM 2014!!!

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Both THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death & MASTERS OF WAR: Soldiers of Distinction Make Splash @ American Film Market 2014!!!

Our sincerest apologies for the tardiness of this post, but we’ve had our hands full with finishing other projects, auditions, & both THE MARSCHER LORDS: Brotherhood or Death & MASTERS OF WAR: Soldiers of Distinction. With Veteran Producer Mo Fitzgibbon, we were able to take AFM 2014 by storm!!! Good things in the mix! Really good things!!! Can’t elaborate any more than that at the moment, so stay tuned. One thing we can say is that these projects have LEGS!!!  And another heartfelt thank you to her husband & partner Robert Walker who’s graphic design & editing helped push the MASTERS OF WAR sizzle reel over the top!

Here are the “One Sheets” for both project...

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Christmas Time is Here!!! & Random Musings….

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Victorian Christmas1Christmas Time is Here… Happiness and cheer
Fun for all that children call
Their favorite time of the year

Snowflakes in the air
Carols everywhere
Olden times and ancient rhymes
Of love and dreams to share

Christmas Time is Here!!! & Random Musings…IMG_20131127_093003-1

As heretofore stated, all QuarterDeck Production Corp projects have already been formed as their own individual corporations by our wonderful CFO Ruby Emerald Diamond. We have budgets for all but are in the process of tailoring a few of them since each one is unique in its own right. Looking forward to what Sir Brick Price can do not only on  Scorched Earth: The Other Side of World War II  but also for  All the Iron Men :  Welcome to Heaven Boys,  We’ve already Served Our Time in Hell.   And then there’s  Order of the Valiant:  T...

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All IN the Can!!!

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Success!!! It’s All IN the Can!!!

Sir Gordon Hearne

Sir Gordon Hearne

Yesterday, we met with the quite wonderful Sir Gordon Hearne & his lovely wife Jenny. Sir Gordon is a veteran of the U.S. Army and served in the ETO during the Second World War. His unit – an anti-aircraft battery – was attached to the 28th Infantry Division in its push out of Normandy and subsequent campaign across France. It also got caught up in the Battle of the Bulge, and Sir Gordon had several close shaves during his service with the unit. In his own words, he “had about eight or nine near death experiences” and is immensely – and rightfully – proud of his service during the war. He’s been back to Europe about a half dozen times since then for D-Day  & Battle of the Bulge Commemoration Events...

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