American Identity tagged posts

Stuck Somewhere Between “Where Eagles Dare” & “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments


View from above: Telluride from Allred's

View from above: Telluride from Allred’s

That’s the word that comes to mind after a couple of days spent skiing on the slopes in Telluride, CO.  A more picturesque town could not be found outside of Bavaria or the Tyrol (both of which we’ve been to but never had the pleasure of sampling the slopes while on skiis). The whole affair felt like a cross between “Where Eagles Dare” & “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service“, two rollicking good adventure flicks. However the comparison only goes so far: there was nobody (thankfully! ) shooting at us! Hey – we all can’t be Producer/Director Stephen Rollins in Afghanistan! Stephen – we want you on the team, not taking one for the team! :<D (Steve just had a table read of his new American Identity script, and we would have been there if not for a pr...

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Countdown: 12 Days to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Goes Active & Producer Takes Fire in Afghanistan…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Medieval_Knight01Countdown: 12 Days to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Goes Active & Producer Takes Fire in Afghanistan!!!

It’s coming down to the wire folks! In 12 days THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death goes active on This is crunch time! Now – with your & your friends financial support – we can make this project happen and write a new chapter in the annals of motion picture history and – most importantly – YOU & your $$ – are the deciding factor!!! No corporate board deciding what you see, YOU ARE!!! As heretofore stated (in a previous post), we live in revolutionary times. Now, you have as much – if not more power – in your hands than do the corporate industry decision makers running the industry. Up to this point, they – and in large part still do – decide what you see...

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