“Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore!”

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Marscher Lords FBWow! – I’m stunned (or maybe that should be “pleasantly surprised”) at the impact our facebook page has had: THE MARSCHER LORDS: Brotherhood or Death  has: 804 Likes. 411 Talking About. A lot of interest continues to pour in from both Great Britain & Germany (and people thought chivalry was dead – hah!); quite the contrary actually, it seems there is more of a hunger for it than ever before. Maybe it’s these crazy times we inhabit. Maybe it’s people looking for something (or someone) who truly looked out for others and not only for themselves. Sad to say, the latter does sound a bit old-fashioned, n’est pas?  Well, we can always aspire to greatness. Even if we fall short, at least we’re still trying to be better than we were five minutes ago...

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THE MARSCHER LORDS: Brotherhood or Death Grows In Popularity on Social Media!!!

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Marscher Marquee with Kick logo

THE MARSCHER LORDS: Brotherhood or Death Grows in Popularity on Social Media!!!

Thank you One & All!!!! THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death facebook page  has just passed 615 likes with 381 “talking about”. HOO-RAH!!! That figure will probably be obsolete shortly (like we’re complaining? – NOT!!!) How’s that for a no-budget PR campaign? And to think we were ecstatic when we reached 500 likes!!! Proof positive that not only is there an audience for this film but that audiences are obviously hungry for something different. Standard Hollywood fare has become rather stale of late (with – of course –  the aformentioned exception of Fox’s new Sleepy Hollow). As our dear friend & Exec Prod (but shortly to move into Executive Production Design) Sir Brick Price has mentioned, so many dramat...

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Scorched Earth: The Other Side of World War II

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On Slate

On Slate

This is a feature project ‘in the pipeline’ that is basically ready to go. We’ve had some holdups/stalls because of the global economic situation (ok – I was being charitable; let’s call it what it is – a FUBAR MESS!!!) and our sponsors are hard at work as I write this trying to iron them out so we can get started. The Russo-German War of 1941-45 was the most savage and barbaric conflict in recorded history (since at least the Crusades). The loss of life was on an unimaginable scale: in the first three months of the conflict, the Red Army lost 3 million men.  What other western nation could absorb such losses and keep functioning let alone continue fighting? The superior training, weapons, & initiative of the German soldier allowed him to inflict casualties at an unheard of 6:1 r...

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New Blood & Fresh Concepts

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Time for New Blood & Fresh Concepts


Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction One Sheet

Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction One She

Touched on “me too-ism” a bit in the last post, an affliction that – unfortunately – afflicts the masses. Unsurprising this, for when an idea shows itself to be a success it invariably invites imitation. However, old parables can be turned on their heads in such a way that they reinvent themselves. It’s been noted in the media that television writing has surpassed that of films, a point that certainly has merit , however by turning old parables on their heads you wind up with a result like Fox’s new Monday night series Sleepy Hollow.  Well written, well acted, enormously entertaining to watch and completely unpredictable, it melds an old parable with that of the Apocalypse and the Coming of the End Times...

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Knight Leads Charge to Fund Local Film

Knight Leads Charge to Fund Local Film!!!


Well, the momentum continues to build!!! The unique situation surrounding this project – and all involved with it – has piqued press interest. Below is a screenshot of the actual article. Can’t post the link here but it can be viewed over @ www.valleynewsgroup.com on page 7. In reality this project has taken on a life of its own (Serendipity, n’est pas?) Uhh…maybe more Providence from where I’m sittin’. But either way it’s a major shot in the arm. Make sure you check out our Facebook page and give us a “like” [icon icon=icon-smile size=14px color=#000 ] but – most importantly – don’t forget to support us on kickstarter.com!!! Remember, this is the movie you are making!!! Here’s your chance – no matter where you are – to make a diff...

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THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death

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THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death is the story of two brothers caught in the maelstrom of the Barbarian Invasions of Europe during the 13th Century. Maxim von Marscher and his adopted brother Petrus meet for the first time in several years. Maxim – as a member of the Teutonic Order – has been away at war while Petrus has expanded his Nobility in the land of his brothers birth, becoming a very high, respected, and influential Lord. Maxim informs his brother that the Barbarian Hordes quickly approach and that haste must be made to get the innocent and women and children out of harm’s way; not to do so is tantamount to a death sentence. However Petrus’s main concern is that of the landed estates and their contents and how best to secure their property from the advancing enemy...

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All the Iron Men

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A Novel of the Pacific War An Exciting Saga That Will Take You to Hell and Back… Join the crew of the submarine USS Bullhead as she departs from the still-smoking wreck that is Pearl Harbor to venture out into Japanese-controlled waters to strike the first blows against the might of Imperial Japan following the devastating attack of December 7th, 1941. Based on true accounts and after-action reports of U.S. Submarines serving in the South Pacific during the Second World War, this is the gripping, nail-biting tale of submarine warfare as it was: men struggle against both the enemy and the elements, raging seas, blistering heat, defective torpedoes, skull-splitting depth charge attacks, and claustrophobic conditions...

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Ladies & Gentlemen, Lock & Load!!!…

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Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction One Sheet

Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction One Sheet

The title is Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction. Look through the eyes of soldiers from every nation as they witness – and participate in – the most dramatic conflicts in human history. From ancient times to the present day, see what they saw, live their experience, and use and handle their weapons. The selling point of this project is the main concept, which is “See the world’s most dramatic conflicts thru the eyes of the participants.”

 We’re very excited to have the distinguished Walker-Fitzgibbon Tv & Film Productions assistance on this series. Mo – you’re the best!!!

& tipping the edge of the Fedora to Evan Campbell for his outstanding artwork!!!

Moral of the story: when you have outstanding professionals like th...

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