Countdown: 8 Days to Go…

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Countdown: 8 Days to Go…

Medieval_Knight01Before THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death goes active on January 15, 2014!!! It’s coming down to the wire. The project’s Ambassadors of Goodwill by Special Arrangement are already working hard spreading the word and will – shortly – have something to pass on that – we hope – will add a bit of excitement & something that you too can get if you so choose. We spotlight them here in recognition of their invaluable assistance in this production, they are (in order of joining the project):

Stephen Paul Spratt, United Kingdom

Stephen Paul Spratt, United Kingdom

These Ambassadors of Goodwill by Special Arrangement are important links in the Public Relations chain: we couldn’t be doing what we are without them...

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Countdown: 10 Days to Go Active on…

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Countdown: 10 Days to Go Active on…

deutscherordensritterep2Bloody Hell!!! It’s coming – and fast! No matter how much preparation you think you’re doing, there always seem to be loose ends. With this kind of film, it’s preparation/preparation/preparation before execution…not only on the QDeck blog site but also THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death on Facebook page. The excitement continues to build: what we’re doing here is quite unique; taking totally original works – that are based in actual historical fact – and presenting them to the public in a new & different way, especially focusing on the  subjects they haven’t seen . Those last three words are key:  they haven’t seen ...

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Countdown: 12 Days to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Goes Active & Producer Takes Fire in Afghanistan…

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Medieval_Knight01Countdown: 12 Days to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Goes Active & Producer Takes Fire in Afghanistan!!!

It’s coming down to the wire folks! In 12 days THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death goes active on This is crunch time! Now – with your & your friends financial support – we can make this project happen and write a new chapter in the annals of motion picture history and – most importantly – YOU & your $$ – are the deciding factor!!! No corporate board deciding what you see, YOU ARE!!! As heretofore stated (in a previous post), we live in revolutionary times. Now, you have as much – if not more power – in your hands than do the corporate industry decision makers running the industry. Up to this point, they – and in large part still do – decide what you see...

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16 Days…

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16 Days…

Medieval_Knight01Countdown to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Going Active on!!!

In Addition, Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction Teaser Reel Now Available on “Videos” page!!!

As of today – Dec 30th – there are 16 days before THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death goes active on That’s when all of you who have supported the project up to this time and been “Liking” our page over on Facebook, please pledge and spread the word!!! That’s the key to our success in getting this project both funded & completed & this is one that needs to be completed. It bespeaks of – hopefully – a new era in entertainment. Knowing history as we do, we also know there is no more entertaining drama than to be found in the annals of the human trek throughout world history...

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Shining Light on Ukrainian Independence…

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5/Kp GroBdeutschland Group Photo

5/Kp GroBdeutschland Group Photo

Our friends (& friend of the site Adam Bednar) in 5/Kp Großdeutschland has teamed up with some of their Ukrainian friends in producing this short about the Ukrainian Independence movement during the Second World War. It’s not a story widely known in the West, but Josef Stalin starved out (by best estimates) nearly 4 million Ukrainians in the late 1930’s due to Ukrainian recalcitrance & reluctance to submit to Josef Stalin’s iron fist. The independence movement was strong and – as Operation Barbarossa  unfolded during the summer of 1941) thousands upon thousands of independent-minded Ukrainians flocked to the advancing German Wehrmacht as liberators...

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“Achtung – Panzer!!!’

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“Achtung – Panzer!!!!’

In the immortal name of Heinz Guderian’s epic, revolutionary tome echo on as we find Erfolg! Tres bien! ¡Èxito!-  Success!!! Day before yesterday we met with Mr. Allan Cors of Chaffee Associates out at their Tank Farm/Restoration Center in Nokesville, VA. Suffice it to say they’ve got just about every armored vehicle you could ever think of ever needing: Shermans, Lee/Grants, M-3’s, BMP’s, T-72’s, British

Allan Cors (on right) with Chief Engineer Mark Sehrling

Allan Cors (on right) with Chief Engineer Mark Sehrling

Centurion…you name it, it’s pretty much out there in the “Grand Shed”. From World War I to the present day...

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Looking for A Few Good Men….

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Looking for A Few Good Men…

The Banner Standard of The Teutonic Brigade of Knights

The Banner Standard of The Teutonic Brigade of Knights

Yes – that’s right! We’re looking for a few good men who care about seeing THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death make it to the screen to be “Ambassadors of Goodwill by Special Arrangement” (if you will) to the public at large. In a perfect world, we’re looking for a select group from (at least) three major countries (that have expressed interest so far), that being the United States, Great Britain, & Germany. Email us here or send us a Tweet @dutchmn007 or msg us on our Facebook page. We’ll take care of the rest...

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THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Buzz Continues to Build…

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THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Buzz Continues to Build!!!

Koenig Heraldic Crest

Koenig Heraldic Crest

Stunning Development:

Yesterday was contacted by a family member from former Teutonic Knight Großmeister Ludolf Koënig, who served as Großmeister from 1342 – 1345.  He provided his bona fides (verified) and was cautiously interested to know more about the project, which I layed out to him  in detail (members of The Order  and their families are – understandably – very discreet individuals). I explained how this project is different from your usual (below) average Hollywood “costume drama” (Executive Production Designer Sir Brick Price’s words) and how the script gets down to what is the essence of a knight: services to others, defense of the helpless & those in need, and service & obedience to ...

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THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Approaches 1300 Likes on Facebook!!!

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Medieval_Knight01THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Approaches 1300 Likes on Facebook!!!!

Interest continues to build about QuarterDeck Production Corp’s premier production, THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death. Our Facebook page has been generating a lot of interest from around the world, most specifically from here in the U.S, Great Britain, & (of course) Germany. The interest is understandable; not much has been done on the Teutonic Knights ever. The Knights Templar have received much more media coverage over the years. Well, let’s see if we can’t put that right...

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“Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction” Now On Facebook!!!

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Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction One Sheet

Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction One Sheet

Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction is now on Facebook – ck it out & share!!! Meant to get it up earlier but as THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death was taking up all of our time, hadn’t quite got around to it. But it’s there now. Profiles for the first 15 episodes. You’ll see who/what/ & how? Going to be a bit different than some of the fare normally seen on The Military Channel, for example. Having watched so many of these shows there are so many that are excellent, but somehow some of the really good stories & histories never get told. That’s the gap we’re going to fill with Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction; unfettered, not overproduced, not “politically correct” in any sense of the term...

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