Ripple Effect of Random Chivalrous Acts…

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Ripple Effect of Random Chivalrous Acts…

Practicing Random Chivalrous Acts: Putting finishing touches on a script for a commercial we’re going to shoot for THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death.  In this one – utilizing Edwin H Bravo, R.E. Wilhelm III, and a few other folks) we’re going to highlight Acts of everyday Chivalry, of which we’ve been talking so much about of as late. Lenser Extraordináire David Hansen-Sturm will be onboard doing as both DP & Editor. This paisano is one sharp cat: if you liked THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death pitch video, you’ve seen his work in action. Very much looking forward to having him shoot a documentary of the production of the film which will be included in Rewards package for all potential investors.


Just one example of Storyboard Artist Jane Brewster’s ( amazing work.

Ripple Effect: Due to the delay in production funding for both THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death & Masters of War:Soldiers of Distinction, it’s bumped up up against the trailer for Scorched Earth: The Other Side of World War II.   Could have started the FB page/website by now but figured better to get some projects in the can first. Didn’t anticipate coming up a cropper on the crowdfunding but hey, we’re new to it (as everyone is) and it is still an inexact science (as heretofore noted, it’s been our observation that crowdfunding projects require an immense amount of groundwork prior to launch). However, the trailer for Scorched Earth: The Other Side of World War II will be the most ambitious yet: it will be shot either on the East Coast or in the MidWest utilizing a number of Russian T-34/85 (this denotes as T-34 model with an 85mm gun) tanks we’ve arranged to use as well as both German (if possible attempting to utilize Ambassaador of Goodwill by Special Arrangement Adam Bednar & his living historian friends that make up the 5/Kp Großdeutschland ) & Russian reenactor groups. Naturally we would prefer T-34/76 (more historically accurate) but we’ve yet to find even one operational in the continental United States. They’re rare to begin with as most were up-gunned during the war. But 71 years on, you have to work with what you can get & what is still operational. Here’s hoping nobody who owns these operational T-34’s decides to turn them into Mk VI “Tigers” as described in the previous post “Oddball, Crapgame, & a Few Other Things“. If you need a real Mk VI Tiger, there’s one – fully operational – across the pond in Boddington Tank Museum, England. Rather puzzling, these ‘Tommies’ (from “Tommy Atkins”,  nickname for the British soldier): can’t own firearms but if you’ve enough quid in the boot, you can own your own tank! Go figure. “Rush hour” in merry old England must be quite perilous, by nature :<D. Our Ambassador of Goodwill by Special Arrangement Paul Stephen Spratt must have some thoughts on the subject! ;<) Ck out his Facebook page, as you can see Paul is angling/raring to go on the feature length version of THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death!!! He’s been our biggest fan in the UK, and a working actor to boot! We’re mighty proud and excited to have him onboard. Moreover, with the feature length version (working on script now) there was much interaction among the three European Chivalric Orders: the Teutonic Order, Knights Templar, & Hospitaller. All worked together (were forced to actually) by the size of the mighty Mongolian host that swept down upon their lands.

 Ripple Effect of Random Chivalrous Acts …

Doing Unto Others“: We’re in discussions with several U.S. Veteran’s charities to bring one on as a beneficiary of the show Masters of War:Soldiers of Distinction. By doing this program in a way it hasn’t been done before we’d like to see our Veterans benefit. As the new Letter of Intent received from a distributor – who covers not only domestic U.S. but also international – we’re also looking into the possibility of bringing on a British servicemen’s charity as well. Anything to help out those who’ve put their lives on the line for us, whether here or “across the pond.”  Not settled as yet so if you represent one or have close contact with one, feel free to drop us a line & weigh in. With some of the bigger ones, there’s a tiresome bureaucracy to wade through. We’re “cut to the chase” types of guys. So, cutting to the chase here & operating on Newton’s Law of Motion: “For Every Action there is an Equal & Opposite Reaction”: Practicing Random Chivalrous Acts →Ripple Effect=Benefit for Others. Educate, Entertain, & Give Back. That’s what we’re about.

Please One & All: Share & Like the Facebook pages: THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death & MASTERS OF WAR:SOLDIERS OF DISTINCTION. We’re almost to 5,000 Likes for THE MARSCHER LORDS but a bit behind on MASTERS OF WAR. Reason? THE MARSCHER LORDS has been soaking up all the air in the room. Whatever’s first on slate has a tendency to do that.

In the meantime, stay tuned – lots more to come, tell your friends & family and Like & Share!!! Thank You, One & All!!!

Follow Us on Twitter@dutchmn007

With Aces High!

Insignia of the Teutonic Brigade Battalion

Insignia of the Teutonic Brigade Battalion


Remain Chivalrous, My Friends




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