1930’s Redux? The Russian Bear Stirs from his Lair…

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1930’s Redux? The Russian Bear Stirs from his Lair…

Conditions ripening for “Scorched Earth: The Other Side of World War II“…

We inhabit a very odd time in history folks. All of us are accustomed to being in a “post-Cold War” mentality with all (especially the military) exhausted from the prolonged conflicts in both Iraq & Afghanistan. And here we are, on the verge of another European war with Russia as the catalyst. Too often overlooked (perhaps intentionally by historians/academe are the machinations of Josef Stalin vis-a-vis the Baltics during the mid-to-late 1930′s. While Hitler had set his sights on eradicating Czechoslovokia, Poland, & uniting with Austria, Stalin was also looking to further Soviet influence/dominance toward Western Europe. In addition to Poland (which Hitler & Stalin carved up between them in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939), what also stood in his way were the Baltic States – Latvia, Lithuania, & Estonia. Not to be outdone by Hitler, Stalin succeeded in bullying the countries to “lease” him rights for military bases on their territory. This was of course a pretext to simply taking them over outright, which is precisely what he did. However when he tried the same tactics on Finland – led by the venerable Karl Gustav Freiherr von Mannerheim – who promptly told Stalin where he could shove the entire concept. Angered, Stalin mobilized the Red Army and sent it against Finland in an unprovoked, punitive attack which became known as “The Winter War” of 1939. The Finns – woefully outnumbered & desperately short of war materiel – nevertheless butchered the Russians in staggering numbers. Eventually, through sheer weight of numbers the Finns were forced to sue for peace, but not before inflicting a devastating humiliation on both Stalin & the Red Army. The Finns would later join the German Wehrmacht in their attack on the Soviet Union June 22, 1941 to recover seized territories.

1930’s Redux? The Russian Bear Stirs from his Lair…

Today, Finland, the Baltics, & Poland should sit up & take notice. Across the fence the Russian Bear has stirred from his lair and emerged restless, hungry, and on the prowl. This sets worldwide conditions right for a film such as “Scorched Earth: The Other Side of World War II“, which concerns the German experience on the Eastern Front. Stunningly, the Russo-German conflict it is largely unknown to American or British audiences, it’s a fresh look that has only been attempted a few times, taking nothing away from Enemy at the Gates,  Sam Peckinpah’s incomparable Cross of Iron being the standout of the bunch. It was a titanic, no-quarter struggle that in reality dwarfs the conflict on the Western Front due to the distance,  scale, savagery, & barbarity of the conflict. Both sides hated each other intensely and – as this writer would argue – for the most part still do.All the Iron Men

Though we can not get ahead of ourselves: THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death &Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction are up first on the production slate. As noted in previous posts, we’re going to be bringing in some charities on these projects and allow for donations from our production budget. As the previously noted, we operate strongly on the principle of Chivalry. Chivalry’s death has been greatly exaggerated, and we’ll be glad to (hopefully) be shining examples of  that unique lost art that used be an inherent part of a man’s character. Don’t forget our very own Robert E Wilhelm III authored this hair-raising, nail-biting, edge-of-your-seat tale of undersea warfare circa 1942 and is donating $1 of every sale to @ GarySeniseFound & $1 to @OpSupplyDrop. Amazon.com has the Kindle version withBarnes & Noble offering the softcover. Since the softcover is more expensive, $2 of every softcover sale go to @GarySeniseFound & $2 to @OpSupplyDrop.

We’re actively working on raising funds (privately at the moment) for both aformentioned projects. We’re speaking with potential investors and showing them the nuts & bolts & where (& most importantly how) they will receive a return on their investment. We’ve got it all in place: a terrific story (if you don’t have that you don’t have anything!) Emmy Award-winning & Academy Award-nominated Production Team, excellent cast, & a stunning & striking locale. Please help us spread the word about this and all the projects on slate. Now is the time you can get involved and actually MAKEa difference. We live in that age now. You don’t like what some Hollywood Exec has been greenlighting & shoving down your throat all these years past? Then here is your chance to strike back, do something about it, and effect a positive change.


                 If not Us, Who? If not Now, When? It’s time for action. Stand with us!

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