Ambassadors’ Adventure: Securing the Goods & Going Up Against the Wall…

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Ladies & Gentlemen, the above picture illustrates ENTHUSIASM!!!…

Adam Bednar T shirt


…in the form of one Ambassador of Goodwill by Producer’s Special Arrangement Paul Stephen Spratt by name, who’s incredibly anxious (as you can see) to get this project up & shooting. Paul is slated to be in the feature length version, and we’re very excited to have the opportunity to work with him. But we’ve got to get this short off the ground first, as it will act as a trailer for the feature and attract $$. Paul’s weathering this winter in the UK (along with the three other seasons). Paul – like his compatriots here in the U.S. is an actor, and a damn fine one to boot! He’s working on a project now – in London we believe. We don’t have the particulars on it yet, he has to forward them (ahem…cough! cough!) along & we’ll get them up here! Paul has been trying to do a lot of the heavy lifting on that side of the Atlantic (or “pond” as it were) for this project: constantly sharing the facebook page, website, & Indiegogo fundraising page as well as talking it up to his friends & fellow actors on set. We can’t thank him – or any of our Ambassadors – enough. Projects like this take a lot of PR, and – like any film – it’s a combined, collaborative effort.

The USPS certainly has its fair share of screw-ups; the latest one involves our Ambassador of Goodwill by Producer’s Special Arrangement Adam Bednar. Having sent out to him a number of project T-shirts that never seemed to arrive, and after an inordinate amount of time we did some digging (thank you Tracking Numbers!) and found that they had been listed as being delivered but were never taken off the truck! (See folks, this is why you have seen the rise of FedEx & UPS!). Now Brother Bednar has something to lift his spirits amid the several feet of snow now firmly blanketing much of the Midwest. Hey – when snowed in what is there to do besides eat, drink, play video games and engage in – shall we say “horizontal refreshments” (trying to keep this page family friendly, folks!) In addition, there are probably a few members of his living history group, the 5/Kp Großdeutschland that will receive one hopefully to their pleasant surprise! See mein Herren, this winter is not a re-tread of the atrocious one of 1941-42: while there may be too much snow to deal with you do have fresh new T-shirts from a fantastic project and – better yet – no Russians shooting at you! And there’s a lot to be said about not having to worry about T-34’s crashing through the wall in the middle of the night! Thanks Adam, hope everybody who gets one is juiced! Here’s a lovely photo of him modeling his new THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death T-Shirt!!! 

Here are a few more pics of Ambassador Bednar with his group of living historians, the 5/Kp Großdeutschland:

Adam Bednar (on left)with fellow 5k/p member Albrecht Selig

Adam Bednar (on left)with fellow 5k/p member Albrecht Selig


Adam in Action

Adam in Action

Ambassador Paul Stephen Spratt

Ambassador Paul Stephen Spratt




ENTHUSIASM!!! is what’s needed in the Pledge Dept. We’re still way short of our goal with about a month to go. C’mon folks, productions like these don’t run on air. If each person who Liked us on Facebook would pledge $25, we’d be way up over our goal of $70,000 with a very sizable donation to the Teutonic Order & the Order of St. Contantius’ charity. We stand by the principles of



As you can see, we’ve got a ways to go:

We tweet out round the clock. Working hard at social media, trouble is there are sooooo many sites to keep updated it’s tough – at this stage – to do: facebook, tumblr, stumble upon, twitter, the Production Blog itself. Hmmm….there’s always Press-Ganging of course…but maybe not. After all that started a war (the one in 1812 btw).

Follow Us on Twitter@dutchmn007

Insignia of the Teutonic Brigade Battalion

Insignia of the Teutonic Brigade Battalion

Stay Active (& Pledging) My Friends



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