Staying True to the Motto: “Helfen*Wehren*Heilen”…

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Staying True to the Motto: “Helfen*Wehren*Heilen”…..


***Breaking News!!!!***

One Charity that will definitely be receiving a donation will be the Teutonic Order, or – as they are officially known –  The Order of the Teutonic Knights of St. Mary’s Hospital in Jerusalem.  Since The Order’s work of charity and helping those in need carries on to this day, we can assist them in their current duties and hopefully bring more awareness to them in their ongoing quest for the betterment of humanity. They even have a Facebook page. So making them the first beneficiary just seems like the right thing to do and – since the story of the von Marscher Brothers hinges upon one brother’s dedication of his vows to The Order, it’s a perfect fit. So is CES7 – our late Producer’s very own –  and as things unfold we’ll post the results here, but we can comfortably & definitively say that – assuming we reach out targeted production goal of $70,000 & get the film completed – we will make a donation in the film’s name to the Teutonic Order.

Staying True to the Motto: “Helfen*Wehren*Heilen*”….Attack in the snow

The end result of course of the film is a trailer for a full-length feature, hitherto stated. However, this film will be entered into film festivals and submitted worldwide for consideration. Don’t believe that had been mentioned before, but that is the plan of attack. So in case any of you were wondering what we were going to do with the finished product after completion  besides  use it as a product to raise additional production $$ now you have  your answer. Doing a short film is a great way to do several things:

  1. Get your idea on the screen.
  2. Get it into a forum where many more people can see it.
  3. Flesh out the idea of a feature based on the short.
  4. Hone your chops.

As our dear friend – the late Charles Santacrose – says in the pitch video, “Many shorts are just that and that’s all they’ll ever be. But this really could be expanded to a feature.” That’s why after his award-winning short The Angel, he decided on THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death after being approached by multitudes of people asking/begging him to produce their shorts. “They just simply weren’t good enough.’ Charles had said, “Bad ideas badly written and this [THE MARSCHER LORDS] is just such a refreshing, exciting change.”

We just wish our dear friend had lived to see the final result: Charles tragically lost his battle with cancer last summer. As a result and in honor of him, we’ve dedicated this production to him in honor of all his charitable works, which were many. He began CES7 to help orphaned children in the Philippines and that was going along quite well when illness struck him down. We’re carrying on his tradition by providing unique, uplifting entertainment that – we hope – not only entertains but educates as well. We hope to inspire others to delve into history and learn. It is a fascinating subject and – unfortunately – not taught well – or properly – in schools. Learning something new is great when you make it fun!!!


Please spread the word folks, we’re very low on the pledges for this project. We’re getting within striking distance of 3,000 Likes on Facebook. If you care about the project, please make a pledge. You can be assured that – not only will you be helping start the ball rolling for some exceptional entertainment – but you’ll be helping those less fortunate than yourselves. When you think about it, aren’t we all our Brothers’ Keeper in some fashion? If not in material things, then at least in spirit.

Come onboard. Let’s do this together.

Follow Us @dutchmn007

Knights of Christ

Stay Active My Friends.

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