Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction is now on Facebook – ck it out & share!!! Meant to get it up earlier but as THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death was taking up all of our time, hadn’t quite got around to it. But it’s there now. Profiles for the first 15 episodes. You’ll see who/what/ & how? Going to be a bit different than some of the fare normally seen on The Military Channel, for example. Having watched so many of these shows there are so many that are excellent, but somehow some of the really good stories & histories never get told. That’s the gap we’re going to fill with Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction; unfettered, not overproduced, not “politically correct” in any sense of the term. Just the straight facts on who/what/where/ & how? There are a lot of fascinating & never told before accounts we’ll be relating. Some of these will probably be very controversial. So be it. The raw truth will out.
And all please take note: if you have friends/family who are Veterans and would like to share their experiences in any of this country’s conflicts, shoot us an email!!! We’d love to talk to them and do an episode about them because this show isn’t about “famous” soldiers/sailors/airmen/marines, it’s about the average grunt (from all nations) who goes through combat and survives. They did their duty protecting us, now we can give them a platform to educate the rest of us about their experiences. That is our humble way of saying “thank you” for their sacrifices & preserving their experiences for posterity. Armed conflict is the most consistent drama in the history of man. Conflict is eternal. To know where we’re headed we must know where we’ve been. And our Veterans – in very cathartic fashion – can bequeath to subsequent generations their experiences firsthand. A very noble legacy indeed.
We’re anxious to get started & Editor Emeritus Evan Campbell is putting the finishing touches on the teaser/sizzle reel as I write this. Should be completed later this week & will be posted on the “Videos” page. So stay tuned for updates!!!
Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction Now on Facebook!!!
Can’t say it often enough. Took us quite awhile to get here, and we still have many roads to travel. As the project unfolds it’ll have its own website, with interactive apps that one can engage with. We really have some talented individuals behind this project so what is coming is going to be very, very, interesting. But don’t take just our words for it, stay tuned and watch what happens!!!
And don’t take that offer lightly about speaking to your relatives/friends who may be Veterans. We’re serious about that. And from all conflicts, from World War II right up to today’s deployments in Afghanistan. Help us preserve history for those who come behind us.
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bookmarked!!, I like your website!