#Vets tagged posts

A Shot & A Story…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Hey All –

Been a long “sabbatical” with this pandemic but we’re still here moving that ball down the field. One thing that has popped up of note is that our own Robert E. Wilhelm has been placed “on avail” for two different shows – Amazon’s The Hunters & HBO’s Succession. Also being considered for a large part in a major feature; more on that as/if it develops.

In addition- on the historical front- a new series is developing itself in the form of A Shot & A Story, with Wilhelm providing Veterans a forum to share their experiences with the public at large. Too many World War II vets especially took their experiences with them to the grave. That was a generation that didn’t talk much, so – by doing this – we’re proud to provide them a forum if they so choose to utilize it.

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A Marscher Lord on a Red Carpet, A GI Film Fest, Vets & A Wilhelm Cast…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

The horror/psych thriller genre is certainly one that makes $$$, which is obviously why they keep making them!!! And that will continue until the pubic at large tires of them which has yet to happen. In that vein, our very own R.E. Wilhelm III just booked a lead part in Mark W. Curran’s upcoming indie feature “The Abandoned Dead” (no website as yet – under construction). The script is a real thriller with a fascinating twist at the end. No campy ‘teens-lost-in-woods-hunted-by-crazed-zombie/vampire’ schlock here (life’s too short for that!), but a very well-thought out & well-written project. Principle shooting begins this summer. Well done Mr. Curran!!! We’re earnestly look forward to the result!

A Marscher Lord on a Red Carpet, A GI Film Fest, Vets & A Wilhelm Cast……

Red Carpet Affair th...

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