Veterans tagged posts

A Marscher Lord on a Red Carpet, A GI Film Fest, Vets & A Wilhelm Cast…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

The horror/psych thriller genre is certainly one that makes $$$, which is obviously why they keep making them!!! And that will continue until the pubic at large tires of them which has yet to happen. In that vein, our very own R.E. Wilhelm III just booked a lead part in Mark W. Curran’s upcoming indie feature “The Abandoned Dead” (no website as yet – under construction). The script is a real thriller with a fascinating twist at the end. No campy ‘teens-lost-in-woods-hunted-by-crazed-zombie/vampire’ schlock here (life’s too short for that!), but a very well-thought out & well-written project. Principle shooting begins this summer. Well done Mr. Curran!!! We’re earnestly look forward to the result!

A Marscher Lord on a Red Carpet, A GI Film Fest, Vets & A Wilhelm Cast……

Red Carpet Affair th...

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Ripple Effect of Random Chivalrous Acts…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Ripple Effect of Random Chivalrous Acts…

Practicing Random Chivalrous Acts: Putting finishing touches on a script for a commercial we’re going to shoot for THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death.  In this one – utilizing Edwin H Bravo, R.E. Wilhelm III, and a few other folks) we’re going to highlight Acts of everyday Chivalry, of which we’ve been talking so much about of as late. Lenser Extraordináire David Hansen-Sturm will be onboard doing as both DP & Editor. This paisano is one sharp cat: if you liked THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death pitch video, you’ve seen his work in action. Very much looking forward to having him shoot a documentary of the production of the film which will be included in Rewards package for all potential investors.


Just one example of Storyboard Arti...

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On the Cutting Edge…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

On the Cutting Edge…

And building…building…building a fan base, building a social network, building a base from which to operate. As every professional military officer can tell you: every offensive depends on logistical support – without logistics – your attack may start out great but will soon peter out unless properly supported. You must maintain the velocity of the drive. So far that’s been about 99.999 % of what we’re doing here. The fanbase continues to increase across the globe, we’re seeing a huge uptick in interest & Likes on the FB page coming – in particular – from the Philippines. We would never have predicted this, but since THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death cast member Edwin H Bravo is a native-born (Sampaloc, Manila) Filipino, it’s a nice benefit...

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“Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction” Now On Facebook!!!

Category: Production Blog Comments: One comment


Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction One Sheet

Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction One Sheet

Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction is now on Facebook – ck it out & share!!! Meant to get it up earlier but as THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death was taking up all of our time, hadn’t quite got around to it. But it’s there now. Profiles for the first 15 episodes. You’ll see who/what/ & how? Going to be a bit different than some of the fare normally seen on The Military Channel, for example. Having watched so many of these shows there are so many that are excellent, but somehow some of the really good stories & histories never get told. That’s the gap we’re going to fill with Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction; unfettered, not overproduced, not “politically correct” in any sense of the term...

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