The Angel by Paul Hough tagged posts

THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Now Over 4,200 Likes on Facebook!!!…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Now Over 4,200 Likes on Facebook!!!…

PR for THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death continues apace. We’re up to 4,205 Likes with 999 ‘Talking About’. Audience numbers continue to grow, proof again that there is a market for this type of film. So – it begs THE QUESTION: why are pledges to the project so slow? THE ANSWER: We just need more people (i.e. a bigger audience from which to draw). The state of the economy is not in a good place, and is unlikely to be so for quite some time; high taxation, lowered incomes, & crippling business regulations do not a healthy economy make. So we have to roll with that and turn it into a positive. What we’re trying to do here is produce an exceptional trailer for a full-length feature production...

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Staying True to the Motto: “Helfen*Wehren*Heilen”…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Staying True to the Motto: “Helfen*Wehren*Heilen”…..

***Breaking News!!!!***

One Charity that will definitely be receiving a donation will be the Teutonic Order, or – as they are officially known –  The Order of the Teutonic Knights of St. Mary’s Hospital in Jerusalem.  Since The Order’s work of charity and helping those in need carries on to this day, we can assist them in their current duties and hopefully bring more awareness to them in their ongoing quest for the betterment of humanity. They even have a Facebook page. So making them the first beneficiary just seems like the right thing to do and – since the story of the von Marscher Brothers hinges upon one brother’s dedication of his vows to The Order, it’s a perfect fit. So is CES7 – our late Producer’s very own –  and as things ...

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“Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore!”

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Marscher Lords FBWow! – I’m stunned (or maybe that should be “pleasantly surprised”) at the impact our facebook page has had: THE MARSCHER LORDS: Brotherhood or Death  has: 804 Likes. 411 Talking About. A lot of interest continues to pour in from both Great Britain & Germany (and people thought chivalry was dead – hah!); quite the contrary actually, it seems there is more of a hunger for it than ever before. Maybe it’s these crazy times we inhabit. Maybe it’s people looking for something (or someone) who truly looked out for others and not only for themselves. Sad to say, the latter does sound a bit old-fashioned, n’est pas?  Well, we can always aspire to greatness. Even if we fall short, at least we’re still trying to be better than we were five minutes ago...

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