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A Night at Graumann’s Chinese & Dances With a…T-34?

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

When it rains, it pours!!! Now our very own R.E Wilhelm III has not one but two films to shoot this July: Director Mark W. Curran’s psychological thriller “The Abandoned Dead” & Mike Moutsatsos’ family saga “Barker Daniels“. Ahh, such is an actor’s life! Feast or Famine it is. Just one of those things (& sometimes a veritable Trip to the Moon on Gossamer Wings!). This past Friday was the Dances With Film Festival 2014@ the legendary Graumann’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Mo Fitzgibbon & hubby Robert Walker premiered a new music video of Joanna Tepper, Save the Children. Take a bow – both of you!!! Definitely outclassed – by far – the other vids that were presented. Well done!!! Excellently produced, shot, & edited!!! Kudos!!! Remember Joanna is the offspring of a songwriting family, s...

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