Paul Stephen Spratt tagged posts

July Sizzle….

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Woah!!! How time gets away – far too long between blog posts!!! Our sincerest apologies but we’ve been going from one project to another without interruption. Since then, our very own Robert E. Wilhelm has appeared in several shorts as well as working with the legendary Russ Woody on a special performance of his new pilot Deleria. He’s also slated to shoot some pick-ups on his latest indie feature Candid Carmen & Co., directed by Noé Obregon Escobar. It’s a rollicking, comedy/drama about the pits and pratfalls of a street theatre group in L.A. Also stars Katy Bodenhamer,  Alejandra Morin,  Lissette Feliciano LeónJesse Pimentel, Jovanna Nicole, and Takaaki Hirakawa...

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Updated!! Premiere of “Harbinger Down”, “Abandoned Dead”, & a Slow “Burn” to a Very “Scorched Earth”….

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hdIt’s Premiere Time!!!


Cast of Dark Dunes’ Production of “Harbinger Down” at Premier: Egyptian Theatre, Hollywood CA.

Be Careful What You Bring Onboard!!! Director Alec Gillis‘ “‘Harbinger Down’” debuted at the Egyptian Theatre Official Site in Hollywood this past week – kudos to all including our very own Edwin H Bravo (in the role of “Atka”)!!! The cast includes the legendary Lance Henriksen and actors Matt Winston, Giovonnie Samuels, Camille Balsamo, Winston James Francis (one of the biggest fellows we’ve ever run into but also one of the nicest!), Milla Bjorn, Reid Collums, Michael Estime,  Mick Ignis, Jason Speer,  and Craig W. Sturtz. Take a bow One & All & special kudos to Producer Extraordinaìre Jennifer Tung, and to  Tom Woodruff of StudioADI & Dark Dunes Productions for ...

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Chivalric Virtues Define THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death…

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Some weapons and techniques were considered dishonorable such as the dagger and the arbalest. A knight would not use these weapons because they were not knightly. A dagger was a weapon of a sneaky assassin and an arbalest was a brutal weapon of the untrained. A knight’s code of chivalry demanded that he face his enemy openly and honestly – it was a “let the best man win” situation. The dagger was a surprise attack and the arbalest was fired from a distance.

Chivalric Virtues Define THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death…

Picking up on the meme of the last post, Chivalry is a strong component in THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death. It should be noted that chivalry – in the heat of battle – can be a very tough code to abide by...

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Ambassadors’ Adventure: Securing the Goods & Going Up Against the Wall…

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Ladies & Gentlemen, the above picture illustrates ENTHUSIASM!!!…

Adam Bednar T shirt


…in the form of one Ambassador of Goodwill by Producer’s Special Arrangement Paul Stephen Spratt by name, who’s incredibly anxious (as you can see) to get this project up & shooting. Paul is slated to be in the feature length version, and we’re very excited to have the opportunity to work with him. But we’ve got to get this short off the ground first, as it will act as a trailer for the feature and attract $$. Paul’s weathering this winter in the UK (along with the three other seasons). Paul – like his compatriots here in the U.S. is an actor, and a damn fine one to boot! He’s working on a project now – in London we believe. We don’t have the particulars on it yet, he has to forward them (ahem…cough! cough!) al...

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MARSCHER LORDS Designates First Official FRIEND OF THE ORDER & Cast Member Working with the Legendary Lance Henriksen

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Edwin Bravo

Edwin H. Bravo

THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death cast member Edwin H Bravo has a new role in a film called Harbinger Down. See it here on FB!! Edwin is fortunate enough to be working with the legendary Lance Henriksen, and 2 time Oscar nominated Visual Effects Creator, now, writer and Director, Alec Gillis. Filming starts next week. Hoo-rah Edwin!!! Edwin describes it as a “Horror/Sci-FI” film & that’s what Lance excels at. Apparently he & Lance must have got on pretty well, as Lance already gave him a gift for Edwin to wear during the filming, something pertaining to the character Edwin is portraying. You can check it out on Edwin’s page. We earnestly look forward to the result!!!

“Oscar-nominated”, “Academy Award-nominated”, “Emmy Award-winning”, “Grammy Award-nominated”…...

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3 Days & Counting….

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3 Days & Counting…

Screenshot 2014-01-12 09.02.14Before THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death goes active on!!! This is crunch time folks, if you like the project please get behind it. You won’t be disappointed, quite the contrany. You’ll be helping make a motion picture get completed that will go on to serve as a trailer for the full length feature film which is in the works!!! Each & every one of you count. As mentioned previously, we live in revolutionary times. The technology boom has placed power into your hands previous generations never had!!! YOU NOW HAVE THE POWER!!! YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! Now, you don’t have to take what some suit in an office in NY or LA decides what is “the best” entertainment choice for you...

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7 Days & Counting to Going Active on…Plus The Nuts & Bolts of the Actual Shoot…

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7 Days & Counting to Going Active on…Plus The Nuts & Bolts of the Actual Shoot…

Medieval_Knight01If you’re going to be coming onboard & pledging $$ to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death, we thought you might be interested in what the nuts & bolts of this film shoot will entail: a film shoot is part schedule, part chaos, and a large dose of  frantic “hurry up & get it in the can before we lose the light!” Film shoots – depending upon where they are – can be a bit of a logistical nightmare which is why studios love to shoot on soundstages: they can control the environment (i.e. light & sound – the two most crucial factors involved).  With THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death, the shoot is a two camera (Arri Alexa) three-day, all day outdoor shoot (fortunately our production team is ...

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Countdown: 8 Days to Go…

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Countdown: 8 Days to Go…

Medieval_Knight01Before THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death goes active on January 15, 2014!!! It’s coming down to the wire. The project’s Ambassadors of Goodwill by Special Arrangement are already working hard spreading the word and will – shortly – have something to pass on that – we hope – will add a bit of excitement & something that you too can get if you so choose. We spotlight them here in recognition of their invaluable assistance in this production, they are (in order of joining the project):

Stephen Paul Spratt, United Kingdom

Stephen Paul Spratt, United Kingdom

These Ambassadors of Goodwill by Special Arrangement are important links in the Public Relations chain: we couldn’t be doing what we are without them...

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