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A Shot & A Story…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Hey All –

Been a long “sabbatical” with this pandemic but we’re still here moving that ball down the field. One thing that has popped up of note is that our own Robert E. Wilhelm has been placed “on avail” for two different shows – Amazon’s The Hunters & HBO’s Succession. Also being considered for a large part in a major feature; more on that as/if it develops.

In addition- on the historical front- a new series is developing itself in the form of A Shot & A Story, with Wilhelm providing Veterans a forum to share their experiences with the public at large. Too many World War II vets especially took their experiences with them to the grave. That was a generation that didn’t talk much, so – by doing this – we’re proud to provide them a forum if they so choose to utilize it.

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Marscher Lords Promo Video: It’s a Wrap!!!

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Marscher Lords Promo Video: It’s a Wrap!!!


(from left) Edwin H Bravo, Joe Sachem, R.E. Wilhelm, & Nick Vallas between takes.

THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Promo in the Can!!! Just this past Tues we shot several theme-based vignettes that we’re cutting into a short promo film for the aforementioned production!!! A terrific cast of mates & new friends including RE Wilhelm IIIEdwin H Bravo (who just recently shot an episode of The Comeback with Lisa Kudrow for HBO), Joe Sachem (one of the finest character actors around), Rita Green, who hails from Hollywood’s Golden Age where she was under contract to Universal Studios, Stephen Rollins, Aubreeanna Carroll, & Julian Dorame, who was a fantastic last-minute substitute from Sir Brick Price! He was found by the most wonderful woman  ...

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A Night at Graumann’s Chinese & Dances With a…T-34?

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

When it rains, it pours!!! Now our very own R.E Wilhelm III has not one but two films to shoot this July: Director Mark W. Curran’s psychological thriller “The Abandoned Dead” & Mike Moutsatsos’ family saga “Barker Daniels“. Ahh, such is an actor’s life! Feast or Famine it is. Just one of those things (& sometimes a veritable Trip to the Moon on Gossamer Wings!). This past Friday was the Dances With Film Festival 2014@ the legendary Graumann’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Mo Fitzgibbon & hubby Robert Walker premiered a new music video of Joanna Tepper, Save the Children. Take a bow – both of you!!! Definitely outclassed – by far – the other vids that were presented. Well done!!! Excellently produced, shot, & edited!!! Kudos!!! Remember Joanna is the offspring of a songwriting family, s...

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