Knights Templar tagged posts

On the Cutting Edge…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

On the Cutting Edge…

And building…building…building a fan base, building a social network, building a base from which to operate. As every professional military officer can tell you: every offensive depends on logistical support – without logistics – your attack may start out great but will soon peter out unless properly supported. You must maintain the velocity of the drive. So far that’s been about 99.999 % of what we’re doing here. The fanbase continues to increase across the globe, we’re seeing a huge uptick in interest & Likes on the FB page coming – in particular – from the Philippines. We would never have predicted this, but since THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death cast member Edwin H Bravo is a native-born (Sampaloc, Manila) Filipino, it’s a nice benefit...

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Let The Drumroll Begin….

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Let the Drumroll Begin…

Medieval_Knight01…just hours to go before THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death launches on!!! What a long, strange trip its been, learning so much as we go along this journey together. What started as a small, independent yet forceful production has – proudly – remained so. Staying true to historical roots is what we’re all about here. The several drafts that were written on the script, getting it to where it now is – which in our estimation – is absolute perfection. We’re not boasting, just confident of what we’ve created. Edwin H. Bravo & I have enough experience working in the industry (stage plays, films, short films, Shakespeare) that we instinctively know when something is right and has been taken to its ultimate height...

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“Achtung – Panzer!!!’

Category: Production Blog Comments: One comment


“Achtung – Panzer!!!!’

In the immortal name of Heinz Guderian’s epic, revolutionary tome echo on as we find Erfolg! Tres bien! ¡Èxito!-  Success!!! Day before yesterday we met with Mr. Allan Cors of Chaffee Associates out at their Tank Farm/Restoration Center in Nokesville, VA. Suffice it to say they’ve got just about every armored vehicle you could ever think of ever needing: Shermans, Lee/Grants, M-3’s, BMP’s, T-72’s, British

Allan Cors (on right) with Chief Engineer Mark Sehrling

Allan Cors (on right) with Chief Engineer Mark Sehrling

Centurion…you name it, it’s pretty much out there in the “Grand Shed”. From World War I to the present day...

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