James Coburn tagged posts

Movie Producer: Do You Have What it Takes?

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

Movie Producer: Do You Have What it Takes?…

C’mon folks – let’s pick up with those pledges!!! Our Academy Award-nominated, Emmy Award-winning, & Grammy Award-nominated production staff is chomping at the bit to get started!!! The sooner we get this “in the can” and move on to the feature, how sweet will that be? And we can get it done WITH YOUR HELP!!! This is a rare bird indeed, we’ve got EVERYTHING we need; top-notch production staff, excellent cast, wonderful location, and avenues for release. Let’s get it going!!! If you’ve been a friend of the Facebook page, MAKE YOUR PLEDGE TODAY. Don’t expect others to do it for you...

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7 Days & Counting to Going Active on Indiegogo.com…Plus The Nuts & Bolts of the Actual Shoot…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

7 Days & Counting to Going Active on Indiegogo.com…Plus The Nuts & Bolts of the Actual Shoot…

Medieval_Knight01If you’re going to be coming onboard & pledging $$ to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death, we thought you might be interested in what the nuts & bolts of this film shoot will entail: a film shoot is part schedule, part chaos, and a large dose of  frantic “hurry up & get it in the can before we lose the light!” Film shoots – depending upon where they are – can be a bit of a logistical nightmare which is why studios love to shoot on soundstages: they can control the environment (i.e. light & sound – the two most crucial factors involved).  With THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death, the shoot is a two camera (Arri Alexa) three-day, all day outdoor shoot (fortunately our production team is ...

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