Henry II The Pious tagged posts

On the Cutting Edge…

Category: Production Blog Comments: No comments

On the Cutting Edge…

And building…building…building a fan base, building a social network, building a base from which to operate. As every professional military officer can tell you: every offensive depends on logistical support – without logistics – your attack may start out great but will soon peter out unless properly supported. You must maintain the velocity of the drive. So far that’s been about 99.999 % of what we’re doing here. The fanbase continues to increase across the globe, we’re seeing a huge uptick in interest & Likes on the FB page coming – in particular – from the Philippines. We would never have predicted this, but since THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death cast member Edwin H Bravo is a native-born (Sampaloc, Manila) Filipino, it’s a nice benefit...

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