Christmas Time is Here!!! & Random Musings….

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Victorian Christmas1Christmas Time is Here… Happiness and cheer
Fun for all that children call
Their favorite time of the year

Snowflakes in the air
Carols everywhere
Olden times and ancient rhymes
Of love and dreams to share

Christmas Time is Here!!! & Random Musings…IMG_20131127_093003-1

As heretofore stated, all QuarterDeck Production Corp projects have already been formed as their own individual corporations by our wonderful CFO Ruby Emerald Diamond. We have budgets for all but are in the process of tailoring a few of them since each one is unique in its own right. Looking forward to what Sir Brick Price can do not only on  Scorched Earth: The Other Side of World War II  but also for  All the Iron Men :  Welcome to Heaven Boys,  We’ve already Served Our Time in Hell.   And then there’s  Order of the Valiant:  T...

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Breaking News & Giving Tanks….Uhh…Thanks…

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The First Thanksgiving, 1621, by Jean-Leon Gerome Ferris

The First Thanksgiving, 1621, by Jean-Leon Gerome Ferris

Being on the eve of Thanksgiving, all of us here @ QuarterDeck are eminently thankful for all the support that has materialized for all the projects on slate; from the venerable Sir Brick Price (& his wonderful wife Lady Laura Price)  of, who are not only some of the gracious & giving  people (as well as a veritable brain trust & wealth of knowledge!), but some of the friendliest & finest people any of us have ever met. Many thanks go out to Lenser Extraordinaire  David Hansen-Sturm of Twin Palms Media for working with us under/beneath/and over top of the curve to help get all these teasers/trailers “in the Can’. ‘ Many thanks also go out to Adam Bednar & Richard A...

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The “PanzerJagd” Continues or “Serendipity Happens”….

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It’s official!!!

IMG_20131121_150406_710THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death is now officially its own corporation!!! As now are all QuarterDeck Production Corp. projects!!! Thank you QuarterDeck CFO Ruby Emerald Diamond for all your knowledge, diligence, & expertise in cutting through all the bureaucratic red tape!!! As heretofore stated, she really is a pure Gem!!! Filmmakers should always form their projects as corporations, as it gives your potential investor knowledge that you are operating on a professional basis & security that you’re not some fly-by-night operation.

Meanwhile,  das Panzer Jagd geht weiter – the Tank Hunt continues. Just spoke with the wonderful Allan D. Cors, Chairman, Board of Trustees, National Museum of Americans in Wartime and come to find out they own & operate two T-34/85’s!!! ...

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Countdown to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Going Active…

Medieval_Knight01…on is January 15, 2014. This is where we hope to raise the necessary $$ for production. Please tell all your friends, family, people you know, people you used to know, people you may know, people you don’t know, people who you don’t want to know, & people who you certainly – in all circumstances – definitely do not know (whew – that cover it?). Today ads began running on Facebook in the U.S., UK, & Germany.  Oh, to be in deep pockets when production time is near ;<). But we’re not – at least not yet – not till we get this one under our belt. THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death will establish QuarterDeck Production Corp. & the brand...

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Oddball, Crapgame, & a Few Other Things…

Soldiers of the GroBdeutschland hitch a ride on an Assault Gun

Soldiers of the GroBdeutschland hitch a ride on an Assault Gun

We’re all about helping out fellow filmmakers here, especially of the historical sort. There’s a great group of guys putting together what looks to be a very interesting series, called The Vanquished, about an elite unit (the Großdeutschland or “Greater Germany” Division which fought exclusively on the Eastern Front during the Second World War. Begun as “Wacht Regiment Berlin” then was later given the designation “Großdeutschland” and was the closest thing to a “Guards” unit (in the British meaning of the term) that existed in the German Army. Later it was upgraded to a motorized infantry division and later – in 1943 – to a premier Panzer-Grenadier Division...

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“TIGERS?!!! Where the Hell did the Tigers Come From?!!!”…

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Telly Savalas & Clint Eastwood in "Kelly's Heroes" (MGM 1970)

Clint Eastwood & Telly Savalas in “Kelly’s Heroes” (MGM 1970)

“TIGERS?!!! Where the Hell did the Tigers Come From?!!!”

Just yesterday our CFO – Ruby Emerald Diamond (yes – that’s her real name – a true gem of a lady!) – created five corporations for all QuarterDeck projects on the production slate: THE MARSCHER LORDS: Brotherhood or Death, SCORCHED EARTH: The Other Side of World War II, THE FORTY DAYS, ALL THE IRON MEN, & ORDER OF THE VALIANT. This is important for one principal reason: investors now know they’re dealing with professionals and that their investments will be protected & utilized per their desires. Unfortunately there’s so much flim-flammery in the film biz...

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All IN the Can!!!

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Success!!! It’s All IN the Can!!!

Sir Gordon Hearne

Sir Gordon Hearne

Yesterday, we met with the quite wonderful Sir Gordon Hearne & his lovely wife Jenny. Sir Gordon is a veteran of the U.S. Army and served in the ETO during the Second World War. His unit – an anti-aircraft battery – was attached to the 28th Infantry Division in its push out of Normandy and subsequent campaign across France. It also got caught up in the Battle of the Bulge, and Sir Gordon had several close shaves during his service with the unit. In his own words, he “had about eight or nine near death experiences” and is immensely – and rightfully – proud of his service during the war. He’s been back to Europe about a half dozen times since then for D-Day  & Battle of the Bulge Commemoration Events...

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Out With the Old. In with the New…

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Out with the Old. In with the New…

N028BThese are truly revolutionary times we’re livin’. When has the power of technology been so available to those who seek it? It’s has never been as easy to produce & shoot your own film/tv project than now. No big clunky film cameras that make noise in action. Got a handheld? – That’ll do! Besides – it’s quiet! Whether funded out of our own pockets (like we haven’t all done this?) or from crowdfunding sources (the latter is a special skill still developing, as yours truly has found out). Even distribution is different now. Can’t secure a distribution deal thru the big studios or one of the smaller companies? Okay – create your own website for it and put it out there. Is it easy? Well, Yes & No...

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1/2 IN the Can….

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On Location: USS Enterprise CV-6 Hangar at Planes of Fame Air Museum

On Location: USS Enterprise CV-6 Hangar at Planes of Fame Air Museum

1/2 IN the Can…

Thanks to Jerry Wilkins & all the staff out at Planes of Fame Air Museum in Chino, CA!!! A wondrous shoot that actually didn’t take all that long (Getting IT in the Can PDQ!)  Colonel Reynolds was first up on slate (or is that the chopping block?), relating his experiences in Iraq where he spent a good amount of time in the “Green Zone” under rocket & mortar attack. Particularly harrowing were his tales of being stalled in a supply column outside of Fallujah and the time two of his charges become disoriented while driving outside the “Green Zone” and were – thankfully – able to be coached back to safe haven before any trouble started...

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Getting IT in the Can…

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Getting IT in the Can!!!


Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction One Sheet

Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction One Sheet

No, it’s not what you might think, it’s the “Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction” teaser shoot is tomorrow!!! Thanks to the Planes of Fame Air Museum in Chino, CA  for their graciousness in allowing us to utilize their facilities. The venerable David Hansen-Sturm is lensing it, with  Colonel F. Lee Reynolds USAR  onboard doing (what they call) Host Narrative.  His experiences from his multiple tours of Iraq will prove invaluable. Gordon Hearne, who is president of the Southern California Chapter of the Battle of the Bulge Veterans will appear in it also, but we’ll be shooting him in a different locale.  Been going back and forth with Mo Fitzgibbon (of re: wardrobe...

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