BREAKING: UNIVERSAL PICTURES picks up “Santa Stole Our Dog”…

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BREAKING: UNIVERSAL PICTURES just picked up Distribution for Santa Stole Our Dog: A Merry Doggone Christmas 

Mogan Entertainment is having ONE. TERRIFIC. WEEK. Two of its clients have hit home runs: Edwin H Bravo just nabbed a recurring role on the

Edwin H. Bravo

new series LA>Vegas (in addition to his Sneaky Pete appearances as “Irish Moe“) & Robert E. Wilhelm is featured as the Police Lieutenant attempting to track down a family’s belongings in the aformentioned feature film starring the legendary Edward Asner. Universal Pictures will be hosting a screening in Universal City Monday Dec 4, 2017 at 7:30pm. Red Carpet arrivals begin @ 6:30pm.

Robert E. Wilhelm

BREAKING: UNIVERSAL PICTURES just picked up Distribution for Santa Stole Our Dog: A Merry Doggone Christmas

New times call for n...

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BREAKING – Robert E. Wilhelm Guests on Blog Talk Radio!!!

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BREAKING: ROBERT E. WILHELM Guests on Blog Ralk Radio!!!

Our very own Robert E. Wilhelm was accorded a wonderful opportunity to be a on-air guest on the Saturday Symposium of Blog Ralk Radio with hosts Gary Edwin Rumer & Scott Osborn talking the industry, acting, and motion pictures. You can listen here:

“Really had a blast!’ Wilhelm reflects, “Both Gary & Scott knew “Old Hollywood” about as well as I did – it’s what got me into the industry – so there was a lot of common ground. There’s a lot of rich history there and films that are timeless...

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Sneaky Pete & Santa Steals Dogs?

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Woah!!! Long overdue for a post here, but much has been happening. Deep in the weeds working on  making things happen. As all indie filmmakers know, you have to wear many, many hats while you’re bringing a project together. While still hip-deep in the machinations to launch SCORCHED EARTH:The Other Side of World War II off the ground, we’ve been acting in other projects.  Both Edwin H. Bravo & Robert E. Wilhelm have been rather busy as of late, Edwin has been busting it in several episodes of Sneaky Pete, and Wilhelm (new website link!) premiered in the AllDefDigital YouTube Red Series Pilot Snap! as well as the new Christmas family film Santa Stole Our Dog: A Merry Doggone Christmas helmed by the veteran Bryan Michael Stoller, where the masterful Edward Asner turns in a tour-de-force ...

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No – we haven’t vanished or been abducted by aliens (yet!)! No – just been deep in the trenches working on projects and putting others together, namely one SCORCHED EARTH:The Other Side of World War II feature film by name. Some real impressive advancements  as of late. It’s an ambitious project to be sure but then again, why play small ball? Life’s too short. All of us only have one go around on this earth, why not go for the gold? Let someone else settle for the bronze. As you can see, some impressive attachments already, there are some others we can’t divulge at this point but will do so when possible. Nailed down is a complete & prepared budget, vetted & well-seasoned production group, locale, reenactment groups, & armored vehicles...

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July Sizzle….

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Woah!!! How time gets away – far too long between blog posts!!! Our sincerest apologies but we’ve been going from one project to another without interruption. Since then, our very own Robert E. Wilhelm has appeared in several shorts as well as working with the legendary Russ Woody on a special performance of his new pilot Deleria. He’s also slated to shoot some pick-ups on his latest indie feature Candid Carmen & Co., directed by Noé Obregon Escobar. It’s a rollicking, comedy/drama about the pits and pratfalls of a street theatre group in L.A. Also stars Katy Bodenhamer,  Alejandra Morin,  Lissette Feliciano LeónJesse Pimentel, Jovanna Nicole, and Takaaki Hirakawa...

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Welcome 2016!!!

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Welcome 2016!!!

Woah!!! Here we are – 2016 – and we’re WAY OVERDUE for a blog post!!! Sorry folks, we’ve been acting in other projects and fine-tuning the ones we have on slate. We have some major news – some of which we can release at this point – yet on some other we’ll have to wait and finalize things first. As you know THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood of Death is now a full length feature film!!! The investor who has come on board read the short script we had, said “I love it but no short – this is a feature film!” You’ll not hear us complain about that; in the project synopsis Robert E. Wilhelm (writer) conceived it as a trilogy feature franchise. There is more than enouimage6gh material there, it is a very rich story environment!!!

UPDATE: As noted in a previous post, we’re very proud of o...

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Whoa! – What happened to Summer 2015!!!??? Boy that went lighting fast!!! We’re way overdue for a blog post and things are taking off so here we go…

Ladies & Gentlemen, we live in exciting times, to wit:

Big – B-I-G NEWS : THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death is now a full length feature film!!! New Executive Producer came onboard who absolutely LOVES the entire concept as well as the script and sees it as a full length feature film instead of a short (well, in the interests of full disclosure so did we!!!). Dearest thanks go to Project Manager Adela Taylor for putting together the Project Book to that made it – as it is – eminently unique and ultimately unforgettable!!! Add to this we proudly announce the addition of our cast member – Yul Spencer – AKA “KOOL YUL” – to the production.

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Updated!! Premiere of “Harbinger Down”, “Abandoned Dead”, & a Slow “Burn” to a Very “Scorched Earth”….

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hdIt’s Premiere Time!!!


Cast of Dark Dunes’ Production of “Harbinger Down” at Premier: Egyptian Theatre, Hollywood CA.

Be Careful What You Bring Onboard!!! Director Alec Gillis‘ “‘Harbinger Down’” debuted at the Egyptian Theatre Official Site in Hollywood this past week – kudos to all including our very own Edwin H Bravo (in the role of “Atka”)!!! The cast includes the legendary Lance Henriksen and actors Matt Winston, Giovonnie Samuels, Camille Balsamo, Winston James Francis (one of the biggest fellows we’ve ever run into but also one of the nicest!), Milla Bjorn, Reid Collums, Michael Estime,  Mick Ignis, Jason Speer,  and Craig W. Sturtz. Take a bow One & All & special kudos to Producer Extraordinaìre Jennifer Tung, and to  Tom Woodruff of StudioADI & Dark Dunes Productions for ...

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Sphinx: Genesis & A Yellow Feather!!!

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It’s a celebration of independent film!!!

Director Christian Pichler

Director Christian Pichler

Mission Accomplished for Director Christian Pichler‘s Sphinx:Genesis!!! The short and accompanying trailer have been completed!!! In addition, the Sphinx:Genesis website has been totally redesigned:intensely interactive & informative about the overall project. Here you will see how Christian weaves a compelling and fascinating sci/fi thriller about the potential creation of man, those who are behind it, and the conspiracy to keep the truth hidden from the masses. It culminates into an edge-of-your-seat thriller that will definitely give you pause for thought!!! You may never look at your neighbor the same again!!! Ck it out & Share the site and the trailer around!!!

Sphinx Genesis dvd_cover

Christian’s working now on the full length feature fo...

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Welcome 2015!!!

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Hoo-rah!!! A new year brings new opportunities!!! We’re moving right along with Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction. Thanks to the efforts of our relentless & exceptional Executive ProducerMo Fitzgibbon – of & she’s fresh from working with the always effervescent Gloria Estefan – we’ve got a major agency looking on packaging the entire series since it’s expected over at a major production company. More on this as it develops.

Mo Fitzgibbon (on left) with Gloria Estefan.

Masters of War: Soldiers of Distinction Executive Producer Mo Fitzgibbon (on left) with Gloria Estefan.

In addition, our efforts in nailing down a Veteran’s Charity continue apace (see below), and should be ironed out tout suite. In the wake of the release of Clint Eastwood‘s American Sniper, highlighting the career of America’s most s...

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