Welcome 2016!!!

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Welcome 2016!!!

Woah!!! Here we are – 2016 – and we’re WAY OVERDUE for a blog post!!! Sorry folks, we’ve been acting in other projects and fine-tuning the ones we have on slate. We have some major news – some of which we can release at this point – yet on some other we’ll have to wait and finalize things first. As you know THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood of Death is now a full length feature film!!! The investor who has come on board read the short script we had, said “I love it but no short – this is a feature film!” You’ll not hear us complain about that; in the project synopsis Robert E. Wilhelm (writer) conceived it as a trilogy feature franchise. There is more than enouimage6gh material there, it is a very rich story environment!!!


UPDATE: As noted in a previous post, we’re very proud of our newest additions to the cast for THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death, the indomitable Yul Yul SpenceSpencer England’s Paul Stephen SprattYul was recently nominated in the Tribeca’s Golden Egg Film Festival as “Best Lead Actor” for his performance in the film “The Grind” Mighty Kool, Yul!!! Yul just recently wrapped the indie feature Dysfunktion for Exertion Films. We’ll keep you posted re: updates so check back often!!!


“Across the Pond” our partner-in-crime Paul Stephen Spratt continues to stay busy, “The Pro” being his newest project which began shooting in Spain just a few days ago!!! Check the film’s website for updates and behind-the-scenes photos!!! Looking good Paul – keep us posted and can’t wait to see the end result!!!

The Pro film


Paul Stephen Spratt looking quite Bond-ian actually!

Paul Stephen Spratt looking quite Bond-ian actually!

And we would be totally remiss not the mention the incredible efforts of Producer Adela Taylor & CFO Ruby Emerald Diamond to bring THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death and SCORCHED EARTH:The Other Side of World War II to the screen!!! They both are – in large part – the driving force behind all of our efforts. Getting these projects formed as corporations (to make everything legit and legal) and to ease the concern for potential investors is no small undertaking. Filmmaking is a large combined effort; all must work together and in conjunction for it to be a success. Thank you both ever-ever-ever so much!!!

Also be sure to check out The Yellow Feather, to be directed by Lincoln & Lukas Smith and featuring the amazing F/X of Michael Spatola (he of the Monstrous Make-Up Manual). There’s also Burn – to be directed by Tom Shell a Krav Maga-inspired tale of revenge that promises “more broken bones than a Steven Seagal action flick”!!! That’s one hell of a tagline, one must say!!! Stop by and give them a “Like” as well as the TV series Leeds, “The battle for salvation always has two players. One is light, the other is dark. What happens in the grey area is where LEEDS begins.”


As for acting in other projects:

kzaiz mag


Robert E Wilhelm just completed “Kzaiz: Backstage“; an indie series pilot about the inner machinations of an entertainment magazine. Written and produced by native Santa Domingian Kalent Zaiz, it is a hilarious romp of a group of crazy characters trying to hash out what is and what is not “buzz” in the industry, with the talents of Rich Sands, Michael Turner Tucker, and Tiffany Commons. Wilhelm says all were an absolute joy to work with – shot at the terrific Astroetic Studios right in the heart of downtown L.A. – and looks forward to more set time with all of them!!! Also, Mark W. Curran‘s premier feature Abandoned Dead – in which Wilhelm appears as the nefarious Dr Thaddeus Mayfield – is out now and available on ITunes, Amazon.com, and Vudu. “That was a terrific production to work on,’ Wilhelm says, “Especially playing a character I never had before!!! Director Mark Curran really knew what he was going after, wrote an intelligent and very original script. First time out of the gate we should all be so fortunate!” Abandoned Dead also stars the wonderful Sarah Nicklin as well as Night of the Living Dead alum Judith O’Dea. Check it out!!! Trailer here. Also check us out on FB.


AB dead AmazonPrime-AbandonedDead-851-x315-300x109






Edwin H Bravo

Edwin H. Bravo

Edwin H Bravo has just completed a co-star role on the new TBS show Angie Tribeca, kudos Edwin!!!! We’ll post the air date when they let Edwin know!!! As you should know by now, Edwin is a key part in THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death. This is a project that has been built from the ground up, starting with our very own dear friend Charles E. Santacrose who tragically lost a battle with liver cancer about a year ago. Charles produced this short a few years ago and it cleaned up with awards; excellent concept & brilliant casting. Charles instinctively knew how to make big points in a short amount of time with as little dialogue as possible. Sergio Leone understood that too, here’s a perfect example. This is a project teeming with possibilities and in all kinds of directions. Stay tuned: updates as they are available!!!



Sphinx Genesis dvd_cover


Scorched EarthChristian Pichler‘s upcoming SCORCHED EARTH:The Other Side of World War II has added a new Associate Producer – Ms Barbie Jones Wise –  along with the team of Darla Gardner & Jeff Iaconis; both new to the industry but well-seasoned in their enthusiasm!!! All the technical gear has been secured: the T-34 tanks, two Sd.Kfz 251 halftracks, and various period vehicles and weapons. We’re even looking at a possible change of shooting location – potentially. It all boils down to tax credits!!! A lot more to come on this. A lot more so stay tuned!!!


R.E. Wilhelm (on left) & Christian Pichler (right) working on a scene in "Sphinx:Genesis".

R.E. Wilhelm (on left) & Christian Pichler (right) working on a scene in “Sphinx:Genesis”.


We mentioned in an earlier post friend of the page Magda Marcella‘s latest feature, and it is out now and available!!!  Hunter: Future Cop with none other than George Lazenby!!! Kudos Magda!!! Lazenby – he who played 007 in one of the franchise’s stellar outings, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service!!! If you haven’t seen it – do so!!! Peter Hunt – previously an Editor on the Bond films – this time takes the Director’s chair and produces one fast-paced, action-packed thriller that (IOHO) has the best fight scenes of any Bond film. Check them out!Future Cop

Stay tuned – we’re waiting for more information so we’ll be updating this page!!!

As Always,

Hoch und Deutschmeister (German Grand Master) Shield.

Hoch und Deutschmeister (German Grand Master) Shield.

Stay Chivalrous, My Friends


Follow Us @dutchmn007

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