Monthly Archives May 2015

Updated!! Premiere of “Harbinger Down”, “Abandoned Dead”, & a Slow “Burn” to a Very “Scorched Earth”….

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hdIt’s Premiere Time!!!


Cast of Dark Dunes’ Production of “Harbinger Down” at Premier: Egyptian Theatre, Hollywood CA.

Be Careful What You Bring Onboard!!! Director Alec Gillis‘ “‘Harbinger Down’” debuted at the Egyptian Theatre Official Site in Hollywood this past week – kudos to all including our very own Edwin H Bravo (in the role of “Atka”)!!! The cast includes the legendary Lance Henriksen and actors Matt Winston, Giovonnie Samuels, Camille Balsamo, Winston James Francis (one of the biggest fellows we’ve ever run into but also one of the nicest!), Milla Bjorn, Reid Collums, Michael Estime,  Mick Ignis, Jason Speer,  and Craig W. Sturtz. Take a bow One & All & special kudos to Producer Extraordinaìre Jennifer Tung, and to  Tom Woodruff of StudioADI & Dark Dunes Productions for ...

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