A Night at Graumann’s Chinese & Dances With a…T-34?

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When it rains, it pours!!! Now our very own R.E Wilhelm III has not one but two films to shoot this July: Director Mark W. Curran’s psychological thriller “The Abandoned Dead” & Mike Moutsatsos’ family saga “Barker Daniels“. Ahh, such is an actor’s life! Feast or Famine it is. Just one of those things (& sometimes a veritable Trip to the Moon on Gossamer Wings!). This past Friday was the Dances With Film Festival 2014@ the legendary Graumann’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Mo Fitzgibbon & hubby Robert Walker premiered a new music video of Joanna Tepper, Save the Children. Take a bow – both of you!!! Definitely outclassed – by far – the other vids that were presented. Well done!!! Excellently produced, shot, & edited!!! Kudos!!! Remember Joanna is the offspring of a songwriting family, so it’s naturally in the blood! The festival always gets a great crowd and is really on the industry map. Seasoned veteran Paul Sorvino is always in attendance, along with rising new stars like Daniella Grace, Hina Khan, Christian Meoli, Theresa Russell, Fleur Saville, Esai Morales, Rose McIver, & one of our favs – George Lazenby, probably best known for his 1969 turn as James Bond 007 in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service which – apparently if the buzz is to be believed – achieved cult status as of late! His turn was very good & wish he’d stayed in the role.

George Lazenby's shares a smoke on set during a break in filming for 1969's "On Her Majesty's Secret Service".

George Lazenby shares a smoke on set during a break in the filming for 1969’s “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”

Putting finishing touches on the MASTERS OF WAR:Soldiers of Distinction Teaser Reel, then going to networks later this month. Mo’s going to XP (Executive Produce) MASTERS OF WAR:Soldiers of Distinction series along with (schedule permitting) a few other projects (Scorched Earth:The Other Side of World War II).The latter is why we’ve scoped out (& secured!) several operational Soviet T-34 tanks!!! Though – on the production side – insurance regs re: liablility are really constricting anymore. Due to them, it’s practically impossible to mount infantry on a moving tank! This is something the Soviets did a lot of during World War II: many T-34’s would go into action with Soviet infantry riding piggyback on top of the tanks. Remember this was in an era before the advent of the ubiquitous armored personnel carrier: they existed, only not in the numbers they do today (especially in the Red Army). So often infantry would hitch a ride on the back of a tank. But now, to shoot a scene where you have tanks moving with infantry mounted on top if virtually impossible. Perhaps therein lies the answer: CGI. Though – IOHO – it’s not the same. The liability issue had not taken root in 1977 when Sam Peckinpah shot his incomparable Cross of Iron (@2:23 & IOHO the greatest use of tanks on film EVER!!!). Though – we would be remiss in not noting – that film was shot in Yugoslavia, then under the Communist boot & the “Red Army troops” in it are probably members of the Yugoslavian Army. So the “liability issue” was probably not paramount for them since communist countries have – as history is rife with examples – expended the lives of their troops repeatedly in relentless human wave attacks. So – to them – the issue of a single life does not warrant much concern (it’s “all for the collective, Comrade!”). Welcome to the totalitarian state mindset, where in the words of Josef Stalin, “A Single Death is a Tragedy; A Million Deaths a Statistic.” We would like to give a special mention to our Twitter Maven, @PJStrikeForce, a lovely lady if there ever was one (it’s been our experience they make’em like that there in Texas!!!) She helps us immensely with PR and also assists Kyle Hester & the crew over @ Burden of Freedom:The Movie. Click on the link & give them a Like, let’s try & help them get to their goal of 2,000 FB likes!!! Remember, we’re in a new world – now you have a power hitherto unknown (the power to influence) so take advantage of it!!!  It’s your voice & will only be heard if you use it!!! Putting a production schedule together now for THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death commercial. Due to Lenser Extraordináire David Hansen-Sturms schedule, we’re about two weeks out from shooting. In addition to Edwin H Bravo & R.E. Wilhelm III, we’ve added another to the cast of the commercial, one Joe Sachem by name. A full-blooded Apache Indian & former Marine,  he’s a force to be reckoned with!!! Fairly new to being an actor but his presence naturally takes over the stage when he’s on it. Welcome Joe & Semper Fi!!!  We’re going to have a blast shooting this!!! Update for you Harbinger Down fans: trailer ready in 8 Days!!! 8 Days & Counting!!! Make sure to check them out & give them a Like too!!! Spread the cheer around; remember one of the principle pillars of chivalry is “Do Unto Others”. All the Iron MenAnd if  you’re looking for a nail-biting, hair-raising, edge-of-your-seat tale of undersea war, look no further than here. And note $1 of every Kindle sale goes to both @OpSupplyDrop &  @GarySeniseFound. On softcover sale, $2 goes to each & get it on Amazon.com – it’s discounted!!! Read an excerpt. If you buy a copy – & really don’t like it – Wilhelm will refund your $$ no questions asked. How’s that for a guarantee!!! Try getting that elsewhere!!!

Surprise someone today. Do something unexpected. Something nice. Go out of your way for someone today. You never know. There may be Angels amongst us.

More pix from the Dances With Film Festival:


After party in Graumann’s VIP Lounge


Adela Taylor (Sec of Corps) & friends


Mo Fitzgibbon (at left) & Robert Walker (speaking with Reporter) with child actors involved with their production of Joanna Tepper’s “Save the Children”.

Dances with Film

R.E. Wilhelm III & Adela Taylor


Mo & R.E. Wilhelm Dances With Film 2014.

Mo Fitzgibbon & R.E. Wilhelm III Dances With Film 2014.

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Stay Chivalrous, My Friends.

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