Let The Drumroll Begin….

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Let the Drumroll Begin…

Medieval_Knight01…just hours to go before THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death launches on Indiegogo.com!!! What a long, strange trip its been, learning so much as we go along this journey together. What started as a small, independent yet forceful production has – proudly – remained so. Staying true to historical roots is what we’re all about here. The several drafts that were written on the script, getting it to where it now is – which in our estimation – is absolute perfection. We’re not boasting, just confident of what we’ve created. Edwin H. Bravo & I have enough experience working in the industry (stage plays, films, short films, Shakespeare) that we instinctively know when something is right and has been taken to its ultimate height. But we don’t expect anyone to take just our opinion, the strength of the story & the script can be validated by the stellar production team we’ve assembled. Check out THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death official website if you haven’t yet and see for yourself who has come onboard for this production. All seasoned industry veterans with a strong streak of independence running through each and every one of them. That’s our strong suit, our Ace in the Hole if you will.


Teutonic Knight circa 13th Century

What we’re anxious to do now is get into pre-production; which is getting everything set up to actually get the cameras rolling. It is: scheduling the shoot, obtaining the necessary permits from the Cities of L.A. & Malibu, scheduling special horse sessions if anyone is a little rusty at things equestrian, obtaining costumes & accoutrements, actor rehearsals, etc. Once that’s done we get ready for the commands, “Roll Sound…Roll Tape…Action!” To which yours truly will probably bastardize & take a cue from Clint Eastwood’s directing: instead of saying “Action!” which – in his opinion – places undue stress on the actors because when they hear that, they feel they need to “perform” (in the worst way possible). So, in his estimation it is better to simply say, “Okay, whenever you’re ready’ which doesn’t impart any undue anxiety on the actor. As I’m sure our esteemed Ambassador Spratt will attest, to an actor – relaxation is paramount. An actor simply can’t do his best work unless he’s relaxed: when relaxed you’re open to thoughts/ideas/opinions of others. When stressed out and/or uncomfortable, you’re as tight as a drum and nothing – nothing – will get through or come out believably. As an actor your job is to actively listen to the information coming at you, take it in and react in a natural, normal fashion for the circumstances in which (in the scene) you find yourself. You might be able to fake it onstage, but a camera doesn’t lie. Good actors know this.

Let the Drumroll begin…

Honestly, one of the most exciting aspects of this is going to be the actual shoot itself: on the beach, cameras positioned, the horses, the crew, the actors, the extras, the sun, the breeze, and the rolling surf. And then comes the nod, from me to the DP (Director of Photography), “Ready”.

“Roll Sound…Roll Tape…okay…whenever you’re ready.”

*** Your Pledges on Indiegogo.com Will Make This Production Happen!!! ***

Tell All Your Friends & Family,

That When It Became Time to Be a Part of Something Unique

Something That Would Make a Difference,

You Proudly Stepped Forward

And Became Part of

The Brotherhood

Follow Us on Twitter @ dutchmn007



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