Countdown: 12 Days to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Goes Active & Producer Takes Fire in Afghanistan…

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Medieval_Knight01Countdown: 12 Days to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Goes Active & Producer Takes Fire in Afghanistan!!!

It’s coming down to the wire folks! In 12 days THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death goes active on This is crunch time! Now – with your & your friends financial support – we can make this project happen and write a new chapter in the annals of motion picture history and – most importantly – YOU & your $$ – are the deciding factor!!! No corporate board deciding what you see, YOU ARE!!! As heretofore stated (in a previous post), we live in revolutionary times. Now, you have as much – if not more power – in your hands than do the corporate industry decision makers running the industry. Up to this point, they – and in large part still do – decide what you see. Shouldn’t that be YOUR decision? Don’t you know better than some stuffy suit what you like and when you watch it? Well then, here’s your chance to seize that control that you inherently have and turn it into ACTION; i.e voting with your dollars. Without action nothing happens. And not only will you be able to make your inprint felt with this production, but all the others we have lined up. We’ll be doing one after another; creative, interesting, and exciting projects you won’t see anywhere else. And – for coming onboard through, your name will be part of THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death. And wait ’til you see how the Rewards are structured, it isn’t quite like anything else.

Countdown: 12 Days to THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Goes Active on!!!

Meanwhile…in Other News:

THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death Producer Takes Fire While in Afghanistan!!!

It’s our job to keep you updated on any news – either from our production staff or friends of the page. THE MARSCHER LORDS:Brotherhood or Death  Producer Stephen Rollins – who recently traveled to Morocco & Afghanistan ( is that really

Producer Stephen Rollins in the Sahara Desert

Producer Stephen Rollins in the Sahara Desert

an M-4 Carbine on your shoulder or are you just worried about protecting your whiskey? ) scouting locales to shoot for area footage for his feature film very dear to all our hearts,  American Identity – took fire while on a tour of an advanced area. He wasn’t sitting in Kandahar or some firebase. He – with several others and an Army detail – were out amongst the craggy countryside & got hit! In Stephen’s words,

I was over there to get some area footage to use in AI – they (the Pentagon) periodically lets filmmakers tag along. There were four Al Queda ahead to our left, They crossed to a rock formation and opened fire. When I took off running to get behind our transport, a couple of our guys knocked me down and covered me while they took care of the enemy. Hurt my arm and shoulder but what an experience!

Rollins in Afghanistan

Photo taken by Stephen Rollins shortly before Ambush.

S Rollins in Afghan

Photo by Stephen Rollins

Turned out to be quite a firefight. You can see what he was able to get before having to hit the dirt here.  We’re glad Stephen’s ok, although he did not walk away from the experience unscathed. Fortunately, his injuries aren’t severe – considered what they could have been – and the typical stellar conduct of the U.S. Army was on full display: always concerned about non-combatants first, themselves later. We thank them for their service, dedication, and steadfastness in what has become the longest war in American history. We readily admit an inherent bias in favor of the American GI; wherever he goes – wherever he has been – it has never been to conquer, only to liberate. Stephen’s project American Identity  tells of the trials & tribulations of a U.S. Army family just before – during – and after the devastating attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. That day comes very dear to Stephen’s heart because he was due to be in one of the towers of the WTC that day visiting with some friends. Through scheduling problems ( he didn’t make it there that day and his friends unfortunately never made it out ). It’s a project he’s been working on for some time now ( these projects don’t happen overnight folks, trust us on that one! ). It’s an excellent story and – as many are wont to do – has gone thru several revisions ( despite being top-notch from the start ). His script has garnered a lot of interest and it certainly is a moment in history that has defined this nation ( for better or for worse ) since that day.  We’ll keep you updated on the developments with  American Identity  as they unfold.

Remember to tell your friends, your family, acquaintances & even strangers ( who says you can’t make a new friend? )  about THE MARSCHER LORDS: Brotherhood or Death GOING ACTIVE!!!

Exercise the Power Now in Your Hands!!!

More to come. Stay tuned. As always, follow us on Twitter @ dutchmn007.

Order Teutonicus

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